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06/30/2024 07:46 PM 

Current mood:  silly

FOLLOW UP OF MY LAST VENT!! go check it out ig *gacha intro*Tw: edSO. basically when I stopped eating, after it started getting worse, I started blacking out, fainting for hours at a time, and sometimes even throwing up!? And basically I literally fainted during tennis class outside! Luckily my bestie, Dylan was there and I was only out for like 1 minuteAnyways I also was very sneaky with avoiding dinner and it was easy to not eat otherwise because we don't eat together unless it's dinner (sometimes breakfast?? Maybe a couple times a month? Anyways.) it got a bit better and now I do eat (pretty normally??...) but it's just that I feel bad about eating "too much" every once in a while but I am getting better so yuh*gacha outro*


06/30/2024 07:36 PM 

Current mood:  silly

I got the idea to talk about this when I saw someone else post they had an ed so ๐Ÿซฐ (don't hurt me please I have a family they probably won't miss me I'm an a**hole) IM SWEAR IM NOT COPYING OR FAKING OR SMT LIKE THAT IDK??SO BASICALLY (tw: eating disorder and junk :3)So it started a while ago, basically I just go like a week at a time or a couple days or so without eating on purpose and sometimes I'll even avoid water cuz WATER IS OVERRATED and when I DO eat I feel almost like BAD for it..? Idkkkand basically I haven't told ANYONE abt it except here and maybe in a random comment section at some point probablyanyways so I don't have to go to a mental hospital or anything cuz obviously people don't know and I almost like..enjoy not eating kind off? I mean it sucks but the whole reason I stopped was because I hated my weight and I lost like 10 pounds WAY TOO FAST and I also never am hungry anymore like even when my ed got better for a little bit, even when I wanted to eat, I couldn't because I'm never hungry anymorealso one time on vacation I wasn't eating and my parents randomly walked up to me and were like "when's the last time you ate?" I think they could tell I hadn't been eating because ever since then my dad has been REALLY pushy about eating especially went I don't want to anyways I'll prob do more vents idk I like how this platform is good for venting because people don't have to look at your vent unless they click on the title so they obvi want to read it and that makes it more safe for everyone and people on here are just nice in generalANYWAYS LOVE YOU GUYS!! *gacha life outro* 


06/30/2024 06:21 PM 

I hate this
Current mood:  aggravated

My stepdad has been trying to get me to get a boyfriend even though I'm getting over the fact I had a crush on my friend but she has way too many red flags and I've been attempting to get the courage to tell her about it. My stepdad also doesn't know that I'm trans but he almost saw me wearing my binder last night. I also think my mom wants me to go to an art camp but I am not going to another camp.


06/30/2024 12:27 AM 

who was that?!
Current mood:  betrayed

i just enjoy to put my cookies opened overnight and let them dry out. it just tastes better. dont argue. but today i woke up a little late because, duh, its sunday. and i wake up and i go downstairs and i come to see...THE WHOLE COOKIE PACK IS OPENED. i get suspicious and peek into the pack. empty. completly. f***ing. emptied out. not a single pringle cookie left. is this some kind of open buffet?? if so, whos gonna pay me?? its sunday! guess no cookies for me today. 


06/27/2024 10:29 PM 

Current mood:  crazy


Tax Frauder

06/29/2024 08:25 PM 

Current mood:  fabulous


06/29/2024 07:48 PM 

new to the website
Current mood:  curious

Hello new here im looking for some new freinds so just message me if you want to be my new freind!


06/29/2024 02:40 PM 

Stream New Track
Current mood:  anxious


06/29/2024 03:54 PM 

ralph macchio learning to use chopsticks



06/29/2024 03:47 PM 

i know what throw up feels like on my face now
Current mood:  blah

someone threw up on me in the metro the other day. it got into my eyes. 

โœฎMadame Rosieโœฎ

06/28/2024 02:30 PM 

My simp/kin list โ˜†
Current mood:  flirty

There's a theme with the names I choose, I wonder who will pick up on it.I simp for:Jeff the killer (creepypasta)Specimen 8 (spookys jumpscare mansion)Simon Petrikov (adventure time)Marshall Lee (adventure time)Marceline The Vampire Queen (adventire time)The Lich (adventure time)Alastor (hazbin hotel)Lute (hazbin hotel)Sebastian Michaelis (black butler)Narinder (cult of the lamb)Lady Dimitrescu (resident evil)Godot (ace attorney)Bon (walten files)Ryuk (death note)โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†I kin:Fizzarolli (helluva boss)Marceline (adventure time)Lamb (cult of the lamb)Shamura (cult of the lamb)Blitz (helluva boss)W.D Gaster (undertale?)Clawdeen Wolf (monster high)Ghoulia (monster high)Grell (black butler)Garnet (steven universe)Nancy (the craft)And of course, the wendigo.Will update if needed. โ˜†

kinlist, simplist, i simp for, i kin


06/28/2024 12:27 PM 

Where did i come from, where did i go, where do you come from cotton-eyed joe?
Current mood:  busy

I discovered FriendProject through Spacehey last night. I actually found a whole world of 2000s social media websites that night. If I had known there were more than just Spacehey out there, I'd probably have made a list of pros and cons of all my favorites so I could pick just one or two and stay consistent on it. now I'm trying to become active here because it looks pretty neat but I also really love Spacehey's design. I have however recently heard of an uprising of gore and other harmful media popping up and scaring people tho deeming it unsafe, but I haven't seen any of it for myself yet. I'm new here tho so there could be some underlying issues on this site too.Moving back and forth between this site and that one feels like the equivalent of having Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, etc except not those meta mindscapes but blog sites because they're all pretty much the same except these aren't run by a giant multi-million dollar company.Anyways, yeah I'm rambling, these are my current thoughts idk goodbye.

spacehey, metaverse, yap, yapping, rambling, toughts, internet, social media

ส• โ€ขแดฅโ€ขส” โ‚ŠหšโŠนโ™ก Cemetery

06/28/2024 04:24 AM 

I'm A Fake // The Used
Current mood:  cynical

× . × . × . × . ×Small,,, Simple,,, SaFE Price!!RISE tHE wake n caRRY ME wITH all OF mY rEGrETs!!tHaiS is NOt A sMall cuT TH@ SCAbS,,, n driEs,,, n FLAKEs,,, N heAlS!!n i AM nOt AFraiD tO Die!!i´M nOT afRaId tO blEED,,, N F***,,, n fight!!I WAnT thE pAIn OF pAymENT!!wh@´s LeFt,,, BUt A SectION Of PIgMY SizE CUTs!!muCh LiKE a Slew OF A thOUsn UNWANteD FUCkS!!wOUld u bE my LiTtLE CUt?!??wOuLD u bE My tHOusN fUcks?!??N mAkE mArk LEavIN SpACE 4 tHe guILT tO be LIQuiD!!tO filL,,, n SpIlL OVeR,,, n UNder my tHOuGHTS!!My Sad,,, sry,,, SELfiSh cry OUt TO thE cUTTEr!!i´m CUtTIn TryIn TO PicTURE uR bLACk bROkEN HearT!!lOvE is NOt LIkE ANYthaIN!!eSPeCiaLLY A fuCKIn kNifE!!LOOK @ ME!!Can U TELl,,,BY thE Way i MOvE N dO mY HaIr?!??dO U THAInk Th@ IT´s ME,,,Or IS It NOT mE?!??i DONt eVen cARe!!Im alIVE,,, I dON´T SMElL!!Im thE CleANEst I hAvE evER BeEN!!i FEeL bIg,,, i FEeL Tall,,, I fEEl DRy!!DRy!!jUSt LOOk @ me,,, LOOk @ me NOW!!IM A FakE,,, im A Fake,,, iM fAkE,,, im FaKe!!JUst lOOk @ Me,,, lOOk @ ME NOw!!IM a fAke,,, im a fAke,,, im faKe,,, IM Fake!!DO i DrINk?!??DO i D@e?!??i´ve GOT pERFEct PLacEMENts!!AlL mY inK S@ISfIed,,,IN uR EYEs!!im ThE BIgGeSt Fan th@ ivE gOt RN!!i madE sUre TH@ I lOOk hOW I WAnTED tO lOOk!!ThE PEOPLe ArOUNd mE,,,ThE PeOple sURROUnd ME!!I fEEL BIG,,, I fEEL TALl,,, I FEeL Dry!!Dry!!JUSt lOOk @ Me,,, lOOk @ ME NOw!!iM A fAkE,,, IM a FAke,,, im FaKE,,, iM fAKE!!just LOOK @ mE,,, LOOk @ me nOW!!im a FAkE,,, iM a fAKE,,, IM FAkE,,, Im FaKE!!Just LOOK @ ME nOw!!Im A fake,,, iM A FAKejusT lOOK @ Me NOWIm A fAke,,, iM a FAKEMY STOMACh hURTs nOW,,,n all Tied OfF In lAcE!!I PRAy,,, i beg,,, 4 AnYtHAiN tO haIT me iN the faCe!!N thAis sIcKnESs isN´t ME!!i PRAy tO FALl FROm gRACE!!THe lasT THaIn I SeE IS FEelIn!!N iM TELLIn U im a fAke!! (X5)JuST LOOK @ mE,,, lOOk @ me nOw!!im A faKe,,, IM a FAKe,,, im fAKE,,, IM fAkE!!JuST lOOk @ mE,,, LOOK @ me nOw!!IM A fAKE,,, Im a fAKe,,, im fake,,, im FakE!!juSt LOOk @ mE nOW!!iM A fAKE,,, Im a FaKEjUST lOOk @ me NOWim A FakE,,, Im A fakEFakE,,, FAkE ,,, FAKEIM tEllIN u im a faKe !!!!!! XxX

The Used, Music, Emo, Scene, Fake


06/08/2024 11:44 PM 

hello? furries?
Current mood:  blank

are there any furries on here or is it js me?


06/27/2024 07:43 PM 

villain monologue for a dnd campaign :3

You all, like the rest of the heroes I've felled, have fought cleverly and valiantly. I have conjured many things to stop you, because this is something I have seen time and time again. Promising young heroes fall into my hands and die on their steep path to enlightenment. Many dead men have tried and failed to claw their way to where you are, and fell into oblivion with their name and the memories of their short lives. To speak honorably and from my heart, I am flattered. You have reached into the bottom of this cess pool I've created and pulled out it's beating heart, just as I hoped you would. The pride I feel in this moment is overwhelming for all of you. You all must be weary.Come, sit, and understand.All that I have done and will do has been in preparation of your arrival, my bloody champions. Since the beginning of time I have reached into the nothing and felt the power that pulsated in the space where you all did not quite exist yet, and felt the absence of you tenfold. I have been patient as the stone beneath your feet, biding my time until you'd come to me. You, similar to the heroes of the stories you tell, have found a noble cause and kept it close to your chest. But for many, this alone was not enough. What sets you apart from the rest, my heroes, my prophets, my heart of hearts, is what is brewing underneath your flesh. Each of you, since before you were born, were destined for more than greatness. It was always the universe's intention to imbue you with the power of totality, and seeing you alive after all of it only furthers my point. There are things awakening inside of you even now that alienate you from your mortal peers, things not even The Gods truly understand.Us, what we are and are yet to become, has always been an inevitable conclusion. In my creation, I was made with an empty hole where something that has yet to exist was meant to fill, and I have been waiting for this chance since the moment I opened my eyes. I have pulled many complicated strings, built this world the way I wanted it, exactly the way I knew you would follow, so that you would come to me when the time is right. And now, standing here on your comrade's deathbeds, full of passion and reason, I shall extend you an offer.(tbc)

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