
Last Login:
July 2nd, 2024

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Gender: Female
Age: 13
Sign: Taurus
Country: United States

Signup Date:
June 23, 2024


06/30/2024 07:46 PM 

Current mood:  silly

FOLLOW UP OF MY LAST VENT!! go check it out ig *gacha intro*
Tw: ed

SO. basically when I stopped eating, after it started getting worse, I started blacking out, fainting for hours at a time, and sometimes even throwing up!? And basically I literally fainted during tennis class outside! Luckily my bestie, Dylan was there and I was only out for like 1 minute
Anyways I also was very sneaky with avoiding dinner and it was easy to not eat otherwise because we don't eat together unless it's dinner (sometimes breakfast?? Maybe a couple times a month? Anyways.) it got a bit better and now I do eat (pretty normally??...) but it's just that I feel bad about eating "too much" every once in a while but I am getting better so yuh

*gacha outro*


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