
Last Login:
July 2nd, 2024

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Gender: Female
Age: 13
Sign: Taurus
Country: United States

Signup Date:
June 23, 2024


06/30/2024 07:36 PM 

Current mood:  silly

I got the idea to talk about this when I saw someone else post they had an ed so 🫰 (don't hurt me please I have a family they probably won't miss me I'm an a**hole) IM SWEAR IM NOT COPYING OR FAKING OR SMT LIKE THAT IDK??
SO BASICALLY (tw: eating disorder and junk :3)

So it started a while ago, basically I just go like a week at a time or a couple days or so without eating on purpose and sometimes I'll even avoid water cuz WATER IS OVERRATED 
and when I DO eat I feel almost like BAD for it..? Idkkk
and basically I haven't told ANYONE abt it except here and maybe in a random comment section at some point probably
anyways so I don't have to go to a mental hospital or anything cuz obviously people don't know and I almost like..enjoy not eating kind off? I mean it sucks but the whole reason I stopped was because I hated my weight and I lost like 10 pounds WAY TOO FAST and I also never am hungry anymore like even when my ed got better for a little bit, even when I wanted to eat, I couldn't because I'm never hungry anymore
also one time on vacation I wasn't eating and my parents randomly walked up to me and were like "when's the last time you ate?" I think they could tell I hadn't been eating because ever since then my dad has been REALLY pushy about eating especially went I don't want to 
anyways I'll prob do more vents idk I like how this platform is good for venting because people don't have to look at your vent unless they click on the title so they obvi want to read it and that makes it more safe for everyone and people on here are just nice in general

ANYWAYS LOVE YOU GUYS!! *gacha life outro* 


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