MySpace Layouts

Layouts / Green stripes / Cute Pictures


Last Login:
May 7th, 2024

Gender: Female
Status: In a relationship
Age: 15
Sign: Sagittarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
November 06, 2021


01/01/2022 12:47 PM 


my bf clouse broke up with me a few days ago. i loved him (and still do) so much. life is so unfair sometimes :/ 

i showered for the first time today. which should be an accomplishment, but instead i just wish id stayed in bed. he was everything to me, and nobody understands how much it hurts. i have so many good memories of me and him and im not going to get over this very fast like how everyones expecting me to. i love everything about him. he means everything to me and this hurts so much. he says hell think about our relationship but i dont think he loves me anymore. i lost. its over.

i just wish he liked me

11/21/2021 03:45 PM 

nv 21st

so tired. my s/o is in Tennessee rn so there's nobody to talk to or hang out with. not like he could do that anyways. his parents hate me because I guess I'm a bad influence on him? idk man. I can be his friend, but we can't date. it suckssss. 
I love him a lot, but a lot of stuff has happened in our relationship. it's kind of made us grow stronger together. things couldn't really be better rn. well, if I got my sh*t together and got better grades lmao. 

that's all (: 

11/15/2021 12:41 PM 


here's a very short vent 

I hate myself so f***ing much. I want to die. I hate everything, and I haven't felt happy for a year. I miss my dad. I miss the person my mom used to be. I hate how needy and clingy I am l know all my friends feel bad for me. 

Anyways love u bye ! ♥ 

11/14/2021 11:17 PM 


hi I'm Izzy 

I like mcr and women 

nice ta meet cha 

ig this is my first blog post?

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