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DeciSpark 🍉

07/04/2024 11:33 PM 

America is not worth celebrating

Keep in mind that America is not worth celebrating. It's stolen land, they help other countries steal land, they're taking away rights, and much more. Indigenous resources: Hawaii resources:

Independence Day, 4th of July, Fourth of July


07/03/2024 06:12 PM 

nails !
Current mood:  artistic

i love painting my nails b/c it shows me how i feel in that moment or it shows others  how artistic i am and also how i feel! im trying to be careful while typing this rn b/c the glitter is still drying but yea just was bored and re-painted my nails :>

nail polish


07/03/2024 04:48 PM 

Blogging Life ig...
Current mood:  blah

so rn im eating veggies with a strawberry yoohoo while waiting for sims 4 to load up. but since im bored and sims 4 isnt loading whats yalls favorite food/meal. mine has to be either spagetti or cooked breaded pickles. ik im weird but im also from the south so ig it make since lolanyways whats ur fav meal or food?



07/03/2024 04:05 PM 

Current mood:  awake




07/03/2024 12:15 PM 


i know this city better than you do. you speak in car horns but i read in between the pedestrian crossing lines... so caught up in setting foot at the right time (but i'm always a second early or a second too late). i know the routes to our temporary regions of respite better than the ride back home. my mind is busy mapping all the ways back to you because my heart is big enough to command it to find ways out of urban brambles (orsoyousay). don't you wish you could jaywalk your way out of "i miss yous" like i do? i can find a million paths that all lead to where you are but i have to settle for you running me over. 

Yurix !!

07/02/2024 04:23 PM 

Send me anon messages ★

Hey loserss I love hearing about you all and I love reading your experiences so pls, send a message thru this link (click here) and say whatever is on ur mind :3I promise its 100% anon, and I won't be able to reply unless u add ur  fp info in the message. (One rule, keep it PG 13)Love you all,Yurix

texting, friends, sharing.


07/02/2024 04:18 PM 

i left more scars on my bedroom wall (poem)
Current mood:  artistic

you ask me how bad it is and my eyes feel suddenly drylike the puppeteer i knew you were, you reveal that you were the mastermindbut i didn't need you to tell me that.when does the insect become the bird become the cat?is a prey animal not prey anymore if it's aware of it's role to play?like anything else, you gave me an ultimatumso i rubbed your conditions into the hard-packed summer soiland left the pieces of my heart you took with you in the wilting remains of the winter sprayed arsenic on my flower patch"just for the pests," you saidand when my flowers died, you watered the empty patch with pre-packaged tearsbut i know betterthan to sow anymore seeds on a poisoned field.


07/01/2024 05:21 PM 

⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺just had a breakdown ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺
Current mood:  crappy

"feeling amazing " just had a breakdown cause i was feeling sh!tty and like i had no purpose and that i look disgusting :>


07/01/2024 04:07 PM 


i like deer. they look pretty.

Himiko Toga

07/02/2024 08:06 AM 


woah!! its 2024 and i havent been online in so long! i honestly forgot about friend project!! ill try to be more active sorry!!

Marius Josef

07/01/2024 11:03 PM 

Ranting about my phone :(
Current mood:  confused

Y'all know (or not) that I got my Galaxy Young back, but I think this is bad timing tbh. Having my old "dumbed-down" smartphone to a version of me who already is saving up for a mini tablet and is used to my Flip Phone now. I have to have my Flip Phone before the the new school year here starts :/

FriendProject, Tech, Digital Minimalism, Digital Minimalist


07/01/2024 07:08 PM 

silkchan says hello
Current mood:  adored

*waves* Hiii everyone!!! 👋🏻 I'm Silkchan and I just made an account here today! :3 A lot of people know me on Spacehey, where I'm called the "Spacehey Princess" and the "Eerie Internet Legend San"  and I've also been called a "4chan addict" and "2008 Shōjo" ?!I mainly just make vent-style blogs and some people think I'm bait, but I'm not! I honestly don't care what you believe though, I just really love making blogs and I want to be known for that! >_<I'm a big fan of 2000s websites like this one and Spacehey, so you can definitely expect lots of blog posts from me! 💻 Can't wait to get to know everyone here! (^>w< ^!!)



07/01/2024 05:05 PM 

My Germophobia/Emetophobia
Current mood:  anxious

Germophobia/Emetophobia I wrote this at the height of my anxiety, please excuse the emotional stress. Why I hate sick customers. July 1, 10:40amI asked the customer how she was, She responds;"Oh I’m coming out of gastro, doctors said I’ll be okay. I got it from the public bathroom.”She was sick, from gastro, and not wearing a mask.She continues. “I’m just re-buying the food (that she possibly wasn’t able to digest and spilled her guts [vom*t] from eating)” Thanks, customer, I did not need to know that.   I start freaking out inside, on the verge of tears but I hold it together. I stay silent and scan her stuff, barely touching the items. My mind is telling me to run, to scream, to curse her out, but I keep scanning, I don’t say anything. My mind is like; “Shes going to get me sick she’s going to get me sick she’s going to get me sick“ She says she wants $100 cash out.I think:F*ck. I have to touch this draw. She is actively sick. I’ve just touched her items. I’m going to contaminate the drawer by touching the handle and the money. I give her the money. No worries. I am free to go wash my hands upstairs.Customers roll in.Oh no. I ring the bell and I get a coworker, (I don’t remember her name) to take over. I say “I need to wash my hands.”I feel embarrassed, that this is a stupid or petty excuse to leave the checkout.I need to wash my hands because sanitiser is not enough. I go to the bathroom, still freaked out.Don’t touch anything don’t touch anything. she’s going to get me sick she’s going to get me sick she’s going to get me sick. why did she come in sick  I wash my hands about 7 times, each time scrubbing over my hands three times with soap getting more fast with every second. It’s not enough. I need to wash more.There are still germs I am contaminated She’s going to get me sick she’s going to get me sick sshes going to get me sick sick going to get me sickI need to make sure there are no germs. I spray and wipe the screen with cleaning solution spray, it still ‘has germs’ on it even after I clean it.The screen is still contaminated I must not touch it The money tray still has germs on it even though I sprayed and wiped twiceThe hand sanitizer I’ve used, i cannot touch anymore, it has germs from me using that to wash my hands while serving that customer Every thing I touch has germs The checkout has germs. Even after wiping downStill anxious. She’s going to get me sick she’s going to get me sick I had to go to a different checkout after my break so it wouldn’t be, in my mind, contaminated.


07/01/2024 12:40 PM 

nonsensical slay the princess ramble

the reason why u cant really see urself in the mirror in slay the princess. ur not really a Thing to be perceived, not like she is anyway, you represent the action of change, not the force of it. you're the true constant, The Long Quiet, what must stay the same, as The Shifting Mound is the one who instead must change. in a true world, both of these things must coexist. and at the "end" of the game, the "final" confrontation, it's yet another argument between what must stay the same and what must change. you accept her and what she insists you must do and you damn yourself to change, which negates your very nature and forces you to succumb to the small part of her that you have in you, or you react and say No, I will choose to stay the same, I will not risk my peace for this dance, and the cycle of bitterness continues, similarly, you kill her to save the world and you are choosing to live in ignorance and continuing to fear death based off of the dying calls of something that broke itself off from what truly made you


06/30/2024 07:46 PM 

Current mood:  silly

FOLLOW UP OF MY LAST VENT!! go check it out ig *gacha intro*Tw: edSO. basically when I stopped eating, after it started getting worse, I started blacking out, fainting for hours at a time, and sometimes even throwing up!? And basically I literally fainted during tennis class outside! Luckily my bestie, Dylan was there and I was only out for like 1 minuteAnyways I also was very sneaky with avoiding dinner and it was easy to not eat otherwise because we don't eat together unless it's dinner (sometimes breakfast?? Maybe a couple times a month? Anyways.) it got a bit better and now I do eat (pretty normally??...) but it's just that I feel bad about eating "too much" every once in a while but I am getting better so yuh*gacha outro*

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