Myspace Layout Generator

Myspace Layout Generator by

Cute Hello Kitty 9
alex <3

Last Login:
May 10th, 2024

Gender: Other
Status: Single
Age: 13
Sign: Aries
Country: United States

Signup Date:
November 29, 2023


04/19/2024 11:34 PM 

dni stuff ig

dni if you are:

➼ homophobic, transphobic, racist, and/or ableist
➼ mean to ppl just bc of their race, gender, sexuality, looks, interests etc
➼ a pedo gag
➼ manipulative
➼ you don't respect boundaries
➼ threaten to commit suicide as a way to guilt-trip
➼ a wilbur soot supporter
➼ a lovenjoyer

03/22/2024 08:58 PM 

wanker lore pt 2

One day, Wanker decided to confess her romantic feelings to Charlotte. Charlotte told her that she liked her back, but she wasn't ready for a relationship at the moment. Wanker continued to support her and be her friend. Eventually, Charlotte invited Wanker to her house.


Wanker agreed to come over, so she informed her mother and headed to Charlotte's house after school. They ended up bonding and having a sleepover. As Wanker was leaving, Charlotte kissed her on the cheek. It was just a simple kiss, but both of them turned bright red, and Wanker quickly rushed out the door.

will post pt 3

03/21/2024 11:32 PM 

character lore lol (wanker

(btw, Wilbur Soot the Dog is mentioned in this as part of the lore, I wrote him in as a good character before the whole thing happened but I re-wrote him in as he really is.)

Rose, who transitioned (MTF) at the age of 6, has a nickname that's a bit unconventional - it's Wanker. She earned this nickname back in 4th grade when she taught her classmates what the word "wanker" means. Her peers eventually caught on and started calling her that, and the nickname just stuck around.


In the 6th grade, she shared with some of her friends that she was actually born a boy, but unfortunately, her friends ended up being transphobic and spread the news around the school. It was a tough time for her, both mentally and physically. Eventually, she decided to leave that school and move to Chicago to start fresh at a new school.


At her new school, she became friends with a girl named Charlotte, who was dating Wilbur Soot. As they spent more time together, she started to develop feelings for Charlotte but didn't want to act on them since Charlotte was already in a relationship. Despite her efforts to move on, she couldn't shake off her crush on Charlotte.


For a few weeks, Wanker watched as Charlotte and Wilbur’s relationship degraded until it was downright abusive. Wilbur would bite and SA Charlotte constantly, and she had no way to fight back… he would always bite hard enough to leave bruises, and although Charlotte was fine with being bit, she didn’t like being hurt. Wilbur would even bite her in front of Wanker as a ‘joke’ even though it made both Charlotte and Wanker uncomfortable. Eventually, they broke up, and Wanker helped her heal mentally and physically.

(not done yet, will post a pt 2)

12/01/2023 08:10 PM 

Current mood:  groggy

so um
today i woke up at 6:57 and I usually leave at 6:50 ;-;
so I went from being tired and drinking a ton of water to running to catch the bus, luckily I did but barely lol
anyways for more blog things I guess just go here

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