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April 20, 2020


07/12/2021 04:22 PM 

why siouxsie sucks (bulletin archive)

for ppl wondering why i don't like siouxsie sioux: i'm gonna post blurbs and quotes from two articles. sorry this is formatted like sh*t, i cant be assed to make it all pretty. this will also be posted in my blog for when the bulletin expires. click on the headlines for links to the sources.

first off, what is nazi chic? from wiki

LINK: Nazi chic
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nazi chic is the use of Nazi-era style, imagery, and paraphernalia in clothing and popular culture, especially when used for taboo-breaking or shock value rather than out of genuine sympathies with Nazism or Nazi ideology.
Siouxsie Sioux of Siouxsie and the Banshees was also known to wear a Swastika armband with fetish S and M clothing, including fishnets and a whip. These musicians are commonly thought to have worn such clothing for shock value directed towards the British WWII generation rather than being genuinely associated with any National Socialist or fascist ideologies, and those with such interests likely became part of the Nazi punk or white power skinhead subcultures.

"it just looks cool!! and i hate political correctness!!1!!11!"
LINK: "No Matter How Often I Explain It...": The Hermeneutics of Siouxsie Sioux's Swastika-Flashing Style Act Anno 1976 (Not Just Another Study of Swastika Symbolism in Punk)

Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution

Michael Alexander Langkjær - Speaker

In 1976, Siouxsie Sioux of Siouxsie & the Banshees appeared on several occasions sporting a Nazi flash. Although hardly alone in doing so in UK punk, Sioux has taken the most flak for it. "High camp, not death camp" was her initial explanation. She later avowed ignorance of what Nazism entailed. Later still she admitted to it being a "glamour thing," finding the Nazi uniform very good-looking, while indicating that political correctness bocomes imprisoning. Assuming that in each and every case Sioux had meant what she said, the evolution of her diverging answers concerning the original sartorial "style act" suggests a hierarchy of impulses and motivations issuing from a more or less conscious value-set, which with time and reconsideration became ever more clarified.
10 Sep 2013

this next article is way more in depth and upsetting.
CWs: nazi sh*t (obviously) fatphobia, ableism, graphic description of sexual assault, mentions of substance abuse. 

LINK: Uncut (January '05)

Siouxsie Sioux

The Life & Loves of a She-Devil

fatphobia/ableism CW:

"WHY'S HE ON THE COVER?" demands Siouxsie Sioux. "Fat fool!"

"He" is Robert Smith and "the cover" is that of Uncut's sister publication NME Originals, their recent edition dedicated to goth. Or "goff", as the erstwhile queen of punk snorts derisively. Maybe Siouxsie has never fully forgiven the Cure frontman and one-time Banshees guitarist for deserting her band on the eve of a 1984 world tour. As Smith recently told Uncut (Take 87), he was diagnosed with chronic blood poisoning and quit on doctor's orders. Siouxsie's having none of it.

"It wasn't like he became ill," she complains. "He was one of those people who just didn't say 'no' to anything, so when it's self-induced it's hard to have sympathy. To actually say two days before a tour that's been planned in advance that he can't do it - f*** off! What a lightweight."

Or maybe she should have been on the cover herself?

and back to the Nazi sh*t:

More contentious still, at a time when NF membership was on the increase, the Bromley Contingent opened up punk's wardrobe to Nazi chic. For much of 1976, Siouxsie wore swastika armbands in an attempt to enrage the Establishment's 'we fought a war for the likes of you' mindset. She succeeded, though today her naivety- what NME's Julie Burchill decried as "making a fashion accessory out of the death of millions of people"-seems unforgivable. Siouxsie is surprisingly frank, if unrepentant.

"The culture around then," she explains, "it was Monty Python, Basil Fawlty, Freddie Starr, The Producers- 'Springtime For Hitler'." She kicks out her leg in a mock goosestep. "It was very much Salon Kitty. It was used as a glamour thing. And you know what?" she sighs." I have to be honest but I do like the Nazi uniform. I shouldn't say it but I think it's a very good-looking uniform."

You shouldn't say it for fear of upsetting the PC mob?

"Yeah. It's almost like you feel like saying,'Aw, come on. Nazis - they're brilliant.' Political correctness becomes imprisoning. It's very - what's the word? It's being very Nazi! It's ironic but this PC-ness is so f***ing fascist. In America they're especially touchy about Nazis and it's so Nazi! You go to LA and it's so segregated. It's very Nazi and the irony is they don't get it. They don't realise how Nazi they are about taking offence to mentioning the word Nazi."

The swastika was still on Siouxsie's arm on September 20,1976, the day she made her singing debut after cajoling McLaren into letting the band she'd only tentatively started with Severin fill a vacant Pistols support slot on the first night of the 100 Club Punk Festival. 

so basically according to siouxsie, hating nazi's makes YOU seem like a nazi?? and wearing nazi symbolism to piss off and offend people is toootally punk (it's not. NAZI PUNKS F*** OFF).

08/08/2020 12:01 PM 

suicide prevention fundraiser!
Current mood:  hopeful

Click HERE to MAKE A DONATION to my fundraiser for the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention! If you donate, I can make you custom kandi bracelets and much more! All donations go towards the AFSPS's goal of reducing the suicide rate 20% by 2025 through research, education, advocacy, and support for those affected by suicide.


[ This blog post is viewable to friends only ]

07/03/2020 12:45 PM 

LGBT discourse

nobody asked for it, but here it is!! my take on all the recent lgbt discourse from a lesbian point of view:

i try to be open minded when it comes to other LGBT people's identities even if i don't really understand them at first. you have to keep in mind that gender and sexuality are complex and abstract concepts, and not understanding something at first doesn't mean it isn't real or it isn't valid.

i'll admit i used to be very anti asexuals being considered part of the LGBT community. now i realize that they are in fact sexual minorities and being divisive doesn't benefit anyone. i didn't understand the split attraction model, because i couldn't differentiate romantic attraction from platonic attraction, and it turns out that's because i don't experience romantic attraction lol.
i didn't understand he/him, they/them, and nonbinary lesbians at first, but they do in fact exist!! they exist, you can't deny their existence, and their experience is valid even if you don't personally understand their relationship with their gender and gender presentation.
if pronouns don't equal gender, because gender is a completely arbitrary concept, there should be no issue with nb people using binary pronouns and lesbians using pronouns other than she/her.

the most recent topic of discourse i've seen would be bisexual and pansexual lesbians. here's my take on that:
there are a few common definitions of bi/pan lesbians. the first is a bi/pan woman-aligned person who prefers women. now THAT is just bisexuality. point blank period. saying otherwise is biphobic and lesbophobic.
the other common definition involved the split attraction model, where sexual attraction and romantic attraction are viewed as two separate entities. with this definition, the woman-aligned person is either homosexual and bi/pan romantic OR homoromantic and bi/pansexual. with this logic, they could be homosexual and heteroromantic (or vice versa), and that would make them..... a "straight lesbian." so essentially they're claiming to be... half lesbian. to ME and in MY opinion as a lesbian, lesbianism CANNOT include attraction to men whatsoever, whether it be romantic or sexual.

the final definition of bi lesbian (and not pan lesbian, because pan means all genders whereas bi is just two or more) is the one that states that bi lesbians are attracted to women and nonbinary people. this of course has a few issues in itself, because "nonbinary" isn't one specific gender. there are women-aligned non binary people that are lesbians. a lesbian being with a woman-aligned nonbinary person isn't contradictory, and that relationship doesn't invalidate either of their identities. i do understand where this definition is coming from, but because "nonbinary" isn't one specific gender and it isn't within the binary, any person of any sexuality could date a nonbinary person without somehow "invalidating" their sexuality or their partner's gender identity.

like i said, gender and sexuality are complex are abstract. they are arbitrary. they can be fluid. it's important to keep an open mind when it comes to understanding and respecting other people's identities. it's important to educate yourself and formulate your own opinions. it's important to share your thoughts and even more important to listen to others. at the end of the day, you have to remember to have empathy. you may not understand someone's experience, but that doesn't mean their feelings aren't legitimate. just be respectful. it's not that hard.

ignore any typos i'm not proofreading 

06/28/2020 09:10 AM 

PIC and Abolition

Y'all know about the Prison Industrial Complex?

From Wiki: "The term 'prison–industrial complex', derived from the 'military–industrial complex' of the 1950s, describes the attribution of the rapid expansion of the US inmate population to the political influence of private prison companies and businesses that supply goods and services to government prison agencies for profit."


THAT is why the US has about 5% of the world's population but 25% of the world's incarcerated.

From CriticalResistance: "The prison industrial complex (PIC) is a term we use to describe the overlapping interests of government and industry that use surveillance, policing, and imprisonment as solutions to economic, social and political problems. Through its reach and impact, the PIC helps and maintains the authority of people who get their power through racial, economic and other privileges. There are many ways this power is collected and maintained through the PIC, including creating mass media images that keep alive stereotypes of people of color, poor people, queer people, immigrants, youth, and other oppressed communities as criminal, delinquent, or deviant. This power is also maintained by earning huge profits for private companies that deal with prisons and police forces; helping earn political gains for “tough on crime” politicians; increasing the influence of prison guard and police unions; and eliminating social and political dissent by oppressed communities that make demands for self-determination and reorganization of power in the US."

i'm going to link a few collective's and orgs that focus on police and prison abolition below.

• "seeks to build an international movement to end the PIC"
• "We explore the roots of mass incarceration in our own communities—to open national dialogue on what should happen next."

• "collective of creators and activists who work to amplify the voices of LGBTQ prisoners through art"
• (i've talked to the founder and bought from them. wonderful people)
• "dedicated to dismantling the criminal punishment system and the harms caused to LGBTQ+ people and people living with HIV/AIDS who are affected by the system through advocacy, support, and organizing"


"Are Prisons Obsolete?" by Angela Davis (PDF)


05/05/2020 12:20 PM 

shank's social distancing survey!

Shank's Social Distancing Survey!

How long have you been social distancing? 

Who are you quarantined with? Family? Pets? Friends?

Are you an essential worker?

Are you or anybody you know especially vulnerable to disease?

Do you know anyone who's contracted Covid-19?

How are you coping with isolation?

What are some good things about isolation? 

What are some bad things about isolation?

How has your routine and lifestyle changed since you started social distancing?

What are you most looking forward to doing when it's safe to go out again?

Have you learned anything from this epidemic?

Feel free to respond with your answers in a comment or a separate bulletin! Just credit me (shank) lol. I'll also be posting this in my blog so you can still respond after 15 days. Stay safe ♥

04/23/2020 01:29 PM 

Shank's Survey for Alternative People

Shank's Survey for Alternative People ♥

▪︎what subculture/s are you a part of? (punk, goth, emo, scene, etc.)

▪︎when/how did you get involved in the community?

▪︎who are your favorite musicians?

▪︎do you play any instruments?

▪︎what piercings do you have/want?

▪︎what tattoos do you have/want?

▪︎what colors have you dyed your hair?

▪︎what is your favorite article of clothing?

▪︎are your family/friends a part of the community?

▪︎what are some common stereotypes about your community that you disagree with?

▪︎do you feel like you're part of a safe and inclusive community?

▪︎do you feel accepted within your community?

▪︎do you have any unpopular or controversial opinions about your community?

▪︎would you date someone who isn't a part of your community?

▪︎what's your favorite thing about the community?

▪︎what's your least favorite thing about the community?

▪︎is there anything else you'd like people to know about your subculture/s?

feel free to comment your answers or make a separate bulletin post! just credit me i guess lol

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