
Last Login:
June 2nd, 2024

Gender: Female
Status: In a relationship
Age: 13
Sign: Leo
Country: United States

Signup Date:
February 28, 2024


03/29/2024 08:35 AM 

My paranormal interaction...maybe?

This interaction happened when i was living in Washington State at around 8-10 years old (i can't remember which age). Me and my siblings were hanging out upstairs in our playroom (the room on the right/the first room you will pass by when walking in the hall), next door, beside the playroom, was our bed room (btw it had the attic door in that room), then beside the bedroom was the bathroom. We had a couch facing the door in the playroom, i was sitting on it facing the door while my siblings were playing. I was looking out the door into the hall, and i saw a tall male shadow head the direction of the bathroom or our bedroom. I was hella freaked out, so i told my siblings that we had to go downstairs now, they were like "why", i told them i saw something in the hallway and we all ran downstairs, i made sure all 3 of my siblings were out of the room before i left...we went downstairs and i told my mom, she said that it was probably my imagination to not make me more scared, but i know for a fact it was real. I am not the only one that experienced paranormal activities in that house, my mom and my sister also experienced them. My mom also sees shadows in her room getting closer to her, thats why she used to sleep with the lights on...and my sister heard knocking sounds in the closet that was in the playroom..that house was for sure haunted and ever since we moved the paranormal things stopped.

03/29/2024 07:59 AM 

I feel to guilty and i will never forget this...

I was in the 3th grade, we were doing an art project. My friend messed up on hers and restarted, so she had 2 papers now (keep that in mind). She went away from me to talk to our teacher, i needed to test out a color, i tried to get my friends attention to ask her which of her papers was the one she doesn't need. She didn't answer, and i was impatient, so i drew a blue line on the paper she was working on...thankfully it wasn't a problem because she used my mark as a raindrop (because we were doing a person with an umbrella in the rain drawing). But i feel so bad because i never, ever told her...thankfully all went well. I miss her and my other friends so much.

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