Myspace Layout Generator

Myspace Layout Generator by


Last Login:
May 26th, 2024

Gender: Female
Status: In a relationship
Age: 17
Sign: Libra
Country: United States

Signup Date:
July 10, 2023


07/10/2023 03:11 PM 

Kyle Appreciation Post

I have 6 chickens, they are mostly hens, I think. Our flock consists of 4 Easter Eggers and 2 Silkies. Nahh I don't really like Silkies, but mom insisted because they're cute. I can't really say no to that. I love our E.E's, especially the one I named Kyle. She's just the sweetest little pullet I have ever met. My Rhode Island Red, Soup, was sweet, but also never shut up. My boyfriend likes to bully Kyle by yelling her name at her and shouting stuff thru our Ring camera.
Here's a picture of Kyle, btw.
For how she acted when we first got her, I thought she would be a total menace. Just turns out she really likes to run around, and the other chicks were in the way. Little ADHD chicken :3 Also, she literally runs up to me whenever I call her name or shout 'Kiki'. It's totally adorable.
The Silkies are okay, I guess. They just squawk all the time and walk together. That's all they really do. Pretty lame if you ask me :/ ours aren't even laying yet so they're just decorations basically. Which is sad to say it like that butttttt that's what they basically are at this point.

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