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June 28th, 2024

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Gender: Male
Status: Single
Age: 16
Sign: Aries
Country: United States

Signup Date:
June 24, 2023


06/25/2024 04:43 PM 

Category: Art
Current mood:  anxious


hi im a nerd and uhmmmm herrrmmm enjoy my analissis on the ddlc charichers (cant spell)   (ALSOO add some stuff if u wannna hehehe)

                                                                               Sayori `~

. fav color- light pink/coral/white/red/blue

. music- anything she could get her hands on, i think shed take alot of suggestions from her best friends.

. personality- Sayori is initially portrayed as the character archetype of a Genki Girl, expressing a bubbly and cheery disposition. She is very clumsy, noted for finding ways to accidentally hurt herself or to drop random things.  she suffers from bad depression and works so hard to make the people around her happy to cope with her own lack of self-love amongst other things. She is also usually the only character, other than the protagonist, shown to break up arguments. She tries her best to help everyone be happy and dislikes attention directed at her well-being because she feels unworthy of anything that others have to offer her. Sayori's depression makes her disorganized, and she often cannot find a reason to get out of bed in the morning when she tries to wake up, which is why she is usually late for school. we dont see her not depressed other than the masking she does, but i think she probably would have had SOOO many hobbies and most would be unfinished and just another adhd project (i think she has adhd along with her deppression) 

. zodiac sign- Aries.The symbol of Aries is the ram, representing an ability to always rise to the challenge. 

. fav drink- apple juice 

. interests- reading, video games, music, movies, doodle pictures


. fav color- purple (obviously) light, dark, all shades. 

. music- classical, lofi, 

. personality- shy, generous, polite, apologetic, very intelligent, eloquent, and passionate about topics she is interested in, although she is also very insecure, awkward, and has a tendency to act slightly condescending and patronizing to mask her self-doubt. Yuri expresses both maturity and sophistication in everything she does. Her façade of passivity and level-headed nature occasionally breaks, Yuri has a deep desire to be liked by others and is afraid to speak her mind on certain matters as she believes it will make her seem unlikable. Due to her social ineptitude, she can be innocently insensitive, but once she realizes what she said could be considered rude, she almost immediately apologizes, repeatedly saying she did not mean it. Yuri takes great pride in her poetry and perceives her poetry as being superior to that of the other club members, this is a coping mechanism for her deep insecurity and self-doubt, convincing herself that she is the sophisticated, mature one and that her critics or rivals are immature and childish. This can make her seem arrogant and patronizing to those unfamiliar to her. Yuri has trouble making and keeping friends, as she tends to come on too strongly, due to her intense desire to be liked. She used to be judged for her appearance and mannerisms, providing another possible explanation as to why she secludes herself to her introverted lifestyle. She is, however, a generous and giving person, 

. zodiac sign- cancer id assume (none of the girls have cannon birthdays, besides Monika) 

. fav drink- coffee, tea, hot chocolate,  

. interests- literature, horror, and general surrealism, collecting unusual ornate knives, 


. fav color-  dusty pink, beige, white, light browns and neutral colors, if any colors they are dusty. 

. music- classical, and something like "your reality" or duster, laufey, breakcore maybe? and I think she and Yuri would study and listen to classical music together, maybe make poems and write. 

. personality- intelligent, confident, and athletic. She is not as talkative as the other girls, highly popular, mature and hardworking, with a serene, compassionate expression on her face. Monika was originally a very considerate and kind person who was always thinking about the needs of other people. She openly displays care and concern for her club mates, praising each member's writing style and even comparing them to famous authors and poets. However, it is later revealed that at some time before the start of the game, she underwent an epiphany which made her discover that she was in a game and also granted her the ability to edit the game's variables, changing her attitude towards the other girls because she knew they were not "real" , she is actually sad and lonely, as a result of being aware that her whole world is just a simulation. The worst part is that she can't even achieve what is considered "happiness", since her route can never be completed. She is fixated on obtaining the love of the player because they're the only "real" thing in her life. Monika's actions are also motivated by her desire to escape the torture she endures whenever someone quits the game, as when that happens Monika is trapped in a hellish void of noise, lights, colors, and screams, unable to move or even think. Shes self-aware and loved her friends but knew they weren't real, she didn't want to kill them she only wanted something real, but it got out of hand, she didnt care for the protagonist only for his reality. shes nihilistic, and one of the most interesting characters. 

. zodiac sign-  Virgo

. fav drink- i think she would just like water or sparkling water ooorrr orange juice 
. interests- She has a passion for piano, poems, writing, 

 = extras   This position grants her numerous abilities, which are listed below:

Monika is aware that she is a character in a game.
Monika is aware that the protagonist is a separate entity from the player.
Monika is aware when the game has been turned on or off.
Monika can edit the other character's files and thus influence their actions or personality.
Monika can continue to exist even when her files have been deleted, however, she will only be able to speak through text boxes.
Monika can see if you're using Steam or another similar application to play the game.
If the player is recording the game while playing, Monika will be aware of this and attempt to jump-scare anyone watching.
Monika can learn the name of the administrator on the computer in an attempt to find your real name and can read your Steam account name.
Monika can delete and add files such as "hxppy thxughts.png", "have a nice weekend!" and "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.txt".
Monika can detect if the player adds her character file back when she resets the game.
Monika can precede the game's UI, such as the dialog box.


. fav color- pastel pink/hot pink

. music- pop/ kpop, Japanese electronic music/anime related music. used to listen to nightcore but grew out of it/ doesn't listen to it often.

. personality- she has a very hard time expressing her feelings because of her abusive father. Building her walls up and acting tuff. She has a hard time making friends. Natsuki appears to be a brash, blunt, cranky, and even arrogant girl at first, but she has a cute, softer interior, the real-life embodiment of a tsundere, While she is impulsive and sometimes speaks without thinking, Natsuki truly cares about her friends and, even when she has obvious anger issues, she doesn't enjoy fights or arguments with people. She is very stubborn and has a hard time expressing how she feels and what she wants. When repeatedly challenged, she often becomes awkward and tongue-tied, then aggressive, and then simply bursts into tears.

. zodiac sign- Leo, Leo is a lion, which represents leadership. She is incredibly generous. She has a kind, caring nature and a magnetic charm. People of the Leo zodiac sign are typically very giving in terms of their advice, time, and money. Natsuki values friendships and spending time with family. 

. fav drink- RAMUNE Soda, strawberry flavor in particular. 

. interests- a love of manga and anime, particularly those in the slice-of-life genre, and baking. also likes cute things, such as cupcakes with cat faces, and prefers poems with cuter, happier words, though her own poems are still about sad things, such as being persecuted for one's hobbies. 

 = extras Natsuki hates being called "cute," even when she acts as such or does cute things, and she will deny any claims from others relating to this; nevertheless, she is much more comfortable exposing her sweet side once she knows people aren't going to tease her about it. Natsuki hates it if she isn't taken seriously, whether it's her writing, her hobbies, or just her overall demeanor. It is likely she learned to be ashamed of herself and her hobbies because her classmates judge her and because of her implied abusive father, making her abrasive nature a coping mechanism. This is also implied in a secret poem, "Things I Like About Papa", which is written by her.




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