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11/19/2012 02:10 PM 

Current mood:  peaceful

shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit hmu :D


06/23/2020 02:09 AM 

Current mood:  aggravated

So like- am I the only one who is getting hit with a sense of nostalgia by being on this website, that is for those of you who are old enough to remember your myspace account... It's kind of crazy bringing something like this back- but I guess it's the new aesthetic and the new way to make cool friends! So if anyone's down to have some crazy deep conversations about life, don't be shy and hit me up! 

π”―π”¬π”―π”ž β™₯

06/23/2020 02:08 PM 

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:*
Current mood:  okay

i'm cool and youre not ok bye

goodnight, i am tired


06/23/2020 02:10 AM 

Current mood:  adored

staying up on calls with my gf>>>>anything else, i luv her


06/23/2020 02:08 PM 

what if...
Current mood:  inspired

when i was in high school, i thought abt starting a band and like i still want to. i used to want a band called "legal necrophilia" that was mostly an inside joke but like it was gonna be a trashcore bandnow i want a cover band for mostly acoustic things soooo any ideas 

band, indie, cover band, band ideas


06/23/2020 02:11 PM 

animal crossing?
Current mood:  adored

anyone wanna play animal crossing with a pimp... hehe thats me im the pimp

animal crossing


06/23/2020 02:09 PM 

Current mood:  anxious

which is best... boobs or beer? listen okay im just quoting kurtis conner alright?? im working on my blogging cuz like i dont do it

blogging is...


06/23/2020 02:08 AM 

Anyone wanna be drawn?
Current mood:  inspired

I wanna draw some friends on here, thought it'd be a cute thing to do. Send a message to me if you'd like!


06/23/2020 02:08 PM 

car $ex
Current mood:  bouncy

please dont f*** your car. or children. or people without consent. So then i guess f*** your car. 

car, be my friend loser, i am loser baby


06/22/2020 11:07 PM 

Current mood:  drained

im tired man i miss people and our world has gone to sh*t. also: ACAB

acab, blm


06/23/2020 02:06 PM 

Current mood:  blah

someone be my FRIEND ew begging for friends cool one. my friends suck :P stick a bottle of vodka up your a$$

stupid idiot me, friends, art, park your car in the garage


06/23/2020 02:07 PM 

Apple sauce
Current mood:  angry

I f***ing hate apple sauce if you like apple sauce you are a baby


06/23/2020 11:05 PM 

Current mood:  awake

anyone want to play fortnite? im bored and i have no friends rip


06/23/2020 02:03 PM 

Im dumb

Hey bbys since im still new to this can someone please tell me how to add music to this sh*t or even better make my own layout for my profile if you do not know how to do it then just struggle with me and we can both be struggle buddies;3remeber to know ur worth and keep soft skin♥ byeee!!!


06/23/2020 02:05 PM 

the question
Current mood:  bored

the question is: do I make long ass blog posts that actually try hard, or do i post tiny status posts like this?

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