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// :01 PM 

love and idiots
Current mood:  disgusted

I found a lipstick with a perfect color  but i used it even though it didn't suit me at all. I kept it away from everyone so that others wouldn't discover it. caused eczema on my lips, but i couldn't give it up because i loved it so much. Later, when i saw that my lipstick looked good on everyone except me, my lipstick not looking as good as before. Even though this saddens me, now im just trying to heal the eczema it left me with and i've decided not to use lipstick for a while  (this issue has nothing to do with lipstick.)


05/28/2024 04:42 PM 

Current mood:  blah

Hey guys! I'm really tired today but turns out my cousin isn't coming over so that's a relief My mom almost found out about the trans flag my friend gave me today though so I was scared. I'm not gonna say much today but I have you have a good day/night


// :12 PM 

the other woman
Current mood:  neglected

If i going to be niceYou're going to break meEye for an eyecause that's what you areYou live by statistics and tacticsI am not a matchand we are not matched


DeciSpark 🍉

05/27/2024 08:45 PM 

Super Personality Test Results

I got shape-shifting. Take the test here

personality test, personality quiz, quiz, quizzes, Super Personality Test


05/27/2024 08:20 PM 


DISNEYLAND GRAD NIGHT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!! it was the most fun day ever, except for the fact we woke up really really early. everything was so good except that. speaking of graduation, i graduate on the 31st officially. but today i went in the backyard and shot my pink bb rifle for fun, and i planted my corn that i was germinating. today was so fun but now im pooped

lovely luke

05/27/2024 06:32 PM 

my song links

 listen here!  spotify deezer youtube amazon music



05/27/2024 06:09 PM 

Home alone
Current mood:  happy

I'm home alone guys!

Dominic Anthony

05/27/2024 05:08 PM 

Secular Catholics Secular Jews Atheism Secularism Had Jesus Christ Killed Secular Paganism

JOE BIDEN SAYS there will be no american trrops on the ukranian ground nor russia so UK Tories doing a draft? Putin has tactical nukes I dont think he cares if it will backfire very southern ukraine maybe??? have no clue Ukraine doesn't even have 50K maybe not even 5000 troops 5000 civilians are in romania hungary poland estonia kosov yugoslavia checz republic not ukraine they fleed Ukraine is very small 5000 in military for what to get nuKed? Mutally Assured Destruction children and women have been killed, fathers in gaza its a hell hole though American supporters should move into gaza and be allowed to rebuild a city. Why would jews want to move into gaza make water pipelines unless they were secular atheistic jews.


05/27/2024 03:30 PM 

How do I confess
Current mood:  anxious

I want to confess to my crush, what's a way I can confess to her without being embarrassed?


05/27/2024 01:04 PM 

My cousin might come over
Current mood:  uncomfortable

My cousin is going to come over soon which makes me so mad since she always tried to tickle me and touch my chest. I also can't watch movies since she'll say that they are too boring or that she can't watch certain things because of her religion. My mom said we can just lie that I'm sick since my aunt believes that though!   She also thinks she can just meet my friends even though after I snuck out my house one time when I was younger my mom doesn't let me go out whenever I want anymore. My cousin is so bothersome! But usually I get to sleep in my step brothers room since he lives all the way in Canada so if she tries to pull an all nighter I won't get in trouble as well.  Good news is is that she's visiting around late July though! I'll do an update tomorrow though. Bye guys!


05/26/2024 03:15 PM 

Resident Evil info dump/lore rant :)
Current mood:  betrayed

Imagine literally trying to fight so hard for humanity in raccon city's UBCS just to get attacked and martryed by another team sent to keep all secrets amongst umbrella academy. The USS being sent to literally demolish EVERYONE to make sure anyone outside of raccoon city doesn't know about the T-virus and all the havoc they caused. I'm talking all of S.T.A.R.S, all survivors no matter who they are; police, military/veterans, civilians they really don't care. Team HUNK bringing in all samples and data them mfs need without leaving a soul to testify of these horrific crimes and research premises. In an ideal world for Umbrella corp. Leon and Clair would've died with the rest of everyone hence HUNK's objective but there's gameply in the USS mission that chooses whether or not to kill leon kennedy. In the actual event they do kill him all is completed and no one will be left to see daylight after raccon city. In the Actual story both leon and clair get out umbrellas secrets; they're mass marketing a BIO-WEAPON. Now theres a man named Nickolas[idk how his name's spelt] but he sacrificed his entire team in order for him ALONE to obtain the virus and sell it on the black market against Umbrella. They let this man go and end up paying for it later on because of said reasons I stated before. This particular event takes place before they encounter Kennedy and Redfield. One could call this a canon event [if you've seen Spiderman; Into the Spiderverse]. On another note one thing I've truly come to love about resident evil is that although I enjoy decision-based games with a passion. This particular franchise along with another few has made a story based gaming such a lvoable/enjoyable experience. Thinking on the fact that these things have already happened you're simply playing through a series of events. This franchise truly places the perspective of story-telilng with not only their own but players' conscious thoughts. This concludes my information dump and overall rant on resident evil.

resident evil, gaming, games, information, umbrella


05/26/2024 02:14 PM 

posted up
Current mood:  triumphant

I should make a deviantart journal theme format for this blog.. for now I type it, not formatted in any cool waylistening to: death cup - mom jeansdrinking: waterI've never been able to properly get into blogging, but have had numerous blogs in my life, if anything, this has always been the closest attempt. Many people use the blogs on here for poetry and other artistic writing pursuits, or they use it similarly to how the bulletins are supposed to be used, smh kids these days know no myspace..Anyways, writing here, it's been a long while, over a year, somehow. I suppose my life has changed a lot since then, not that it matters, maybe it does. I'm certainly no longer a NEET posting his amazon wishlist for fun, as there is nothing else to do.. For the few years of my NEETdom, I sat and did nothing but go for walks for hours and look at my laptop for hours. I would watch an anime series a day. I worked a lot on my website, amongst other things. Apparently, last entry, I was rewatching Welcome to the NHK, this period in my life feels like forever ago now. I mention the Welcome to the NHK novel in that post, and now I will have it soon, a challenge to my japanese reading levels it shall be. Getting it from a friend with their huge import order from Japan lol, cost me $3 on yahoo auctions. I guess I have quite a few things on that list now, chaos;head/child is on my shelf, my christmas gift from mom. I got Trigun last year for my birthday from a friend. I'm not a big fan of material objects. My birthday is coming up again, less than a week now, I believe.Rambling aside, what have I been up to? Hanging out. Everyday since the end of the school year, in April, I have just been hanging out. I have many things I have to tend to that are time sensitive to this summer and next month. By mid-june I have to: make and submit AMVs for anime convention, decide what I'm doing in university (to stay in business or not). I need to go to france, not want to, unfortunate. Tomorrow doctor's appointment, I'll be free.I'm rambling too much I think. Goodbye for now.



05/25/2024 08:14 PM 


Tomorrow it's my birthday!! I am  not that excited..

summer (bill cherrys wife)

05/24/2024 11:05 PM 

friendproject mutual appreciation??

1) 💕🐀✨kerosene✨🐀💕     its pretty obvious,,, ur like my bestfriend on here !! ur funny and nice and you actually listen to me yap about random men youve never heard of . ur one of the only people (irl and online) that actually see me as like someone with a personality (atleast i think u do) and ILY /p !!!!!!!!!!2) Hunter    dude ur actually so funny ,, and u like american pshyco (ur so sigma !!!!!) but yeah ur rly funny and i always giggle at ur posts also u like computers so ur actually awesome my guy  ik u unfriended me before and i got so sad cuz u were a silly billy btu u friended me back yipee!! 3) Lino     ur so so so relatable and funny !! also u like green day (billie hoe is my pookay) and YOUGN SHELODN !!!!!! i got so so sos so sos osososo 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 when i found out someone else liked georgie cooper instead of HATING ON HIM (ahem... kerosene)4) ⛤Cyb0rax / Insomniac⛤     ur so sweet and generous and when someone vents , i always see u typing up a whole paragraph tomake them feel better and i js admire that so much,, since idfk how to comfort someone lmao . i can tell ur a rly cool and sweet dude irl and ur just awesome !!5) Patron Saint of...Dementia?    u have GREAT GREAT GREAT music taste like its like a little bit of everything and i love that . also u like the matrix and thats a swag franchise to be interested in . ur also hella funny and relatable . like ur sense of humor is almost the same as mine asdfvgbh6) x☆Vince☆x   ur HELLA funny and relatable as helll,, i always find myself reposting ur statuses even if theyre the dumbest most random things ever . and u like icp and the gorillaz and thats so sigma of u !!!!!! ur like the perfect mixture of always silly and serious when it comes to like comforting people i feel like 😭 


05/24/2024 09:31 PM 

daniel's ... pooply

youuu be a huumannnn till the death of youuu yeah yeah yeah

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