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rikki ☆

06/08/2024 04:40 PM 

does anyone even use this site anymore
Current mood:  bored

suppp, i first signed up on this site (on a different account) back in 2020 when i was going thru my scene kid rawr xD phase.. yes mom it was indeed a phase.. i remember this site being more active than now before it got overthrown by spacehey and everyone pretty much left, myself included. now a few years later i remembered the existence of this site so thought i'd come back, only to find out that this site is pretty much abandoned :/ there are only a very few people online at the time writing this which is a shame bc friendproject is pretty cool. atleast this is a safe space from the crazy obnoxious people that have taken over spacehey lol. anywhoo if ure still active on here feel free to hmu!! (just as long as ure over 16)

anti anti anti

06/06/2024 12:11 PM 


absolutely exhausted with everything. ive lost too much weight, i cant pull myself out of bed, when i manage to do so i have to move at a snails pace so i dont fall for the urge to throw myself right back into bed. i would like to never go back to school as i feel humililated everyday as i start getting ready for it. thankfully summer is here but it'll end faster than i want it to and ill be back. on the bus, alone in class, alone at lunch, alone in class again and alone on the bus again, then back home, asleep or being scolded for not being out going enough, for being too thin and sick looking, for being quiet and spaced there anything i can do right? i guess a better quiestion would be is have i ever done anything right, but im much too tired to think about the implications of my own words. ill have to proof read this blog tomorrow.

♥JessieLynn♥ [06.04.13♥]

06/04/2024 07:55 PM 

Bucket (Done) List
Current mood:  awake

Put a or if you have done it. Let’s have a little fun! I've done 24 out of 55 Now, let’s see yoursBeen marriedBeen divorced.Fell in love Skipped school Watched someone give birthWatched someone die Been to CanadaRidden in an ambulance Been to HawaiiBeen to EuropeBeen to Las VegasBeen to Washington D.CBeen to TexasVisited FloridaVisited MexicoSeen the Grand Canyon in personFlown in a helicopterBeen on a cruiseServed on a juryDanced in the rainBeen to CaliforniaBeen to New York Played in band/orchestra in SchoolSang in the school choir Sang karaoke Laughed so much you cried Laughed so hard you peedCaught a snowflake on your tongue Had children/adopted one/one on the way. Had a pet(s) Been sledding on a big hillBeen downhill skiingBeen water skiingRode on a motorcycle Traveled to all 50 statesJumped out of a planeBeen to a drive-in movie Rode an elephantRode a Horse Been on TV Been in the newspaper Been on the radioStayed in the hospitalDonated bloodGotten a piercing Gotten a tattoo Driven a stick shift vehicle Been scuba divingBeen snorkelingLived on your own Rode in the back of a police carGot a speeding ticketBroken a boneGotten stitches


06/04/2024 04:44 PM 

What is your Ideal Partner?
Current mood:  curious

Hello everyone, today I have a question for you. What is your Ideal Partner?Describe in the comments what your ideal partner would be! Appearance, personality, whatever you feel like putting.

random, relationship, question, tag

Paperclip <3

06/04/2024 03:36 PM 

Current mood:  irritated

WHAT'S UP GIRLBOSSES AND BOYBOSSES AND OTHERBOSSES IT'S YOUR BOY PAPERCLIPIsn't it soooo fun when you comfort your ex (who you found comfort in too) and then his new girlfriend who is the one who he left you for starts hating you because her boyfriend is talking to you???Like girl what.AND they don't even like each other. They complain about each other to me and it's so annoying. ESPECIALLY HER she complains ALL THE TIME about him.She's NOT treating him right omg.Also I don't like Windowsill anymore cuz he called me the N word after I gave him my number BUT there are a few guys I'm kinda into I think.THAT'S ALLHave an exceptional day!


06/03/2024 08:36 PM 


Recently, I got out of a toxic 3-year-long relationship with a girl I loved. I decided that now, now that I can, now that I want to, now that I know who I want to be, I am going to become the person in my head. I'm going to be the person that I know I am but that I've been hiding. My mother is.. rather unkind, I have trauma, I have things that I regret having done but those things don't make who I am and I'm not going to let them anymore.I'm not going to get better overnight, I might never fully recover from it all, but I can live coexistantly with all of the things that have happened and will happen, I can be sad without being consumed, I can embrace, change, and live the pain instead of breathing it. I will be coffee, sex, and cigerettes, red flowers, alive city nights, bubble baths, fantasy ball gowns, mystery, red lipstick, a riddle, a puzzle, a song, a poem, a poet, a writer, art, alcohol.I will take myself and my friends on picnics, to art museums, poetry slams, walks through the woods, the city at night, and things of the sort.One day I hope people look at me and think "She's the kind of girl that people write songs about.. she's art." One day I hope somebody will look at me and pray to any and every god that my red lipstick ends up on their neck.I will be punk, I will be beautiful, I will be alive. I won't waste away by the television, you're more likely to find me in a library. 


06/03/2024 01:24 PM 

Current mood:  shocked

Uhm chat Why do I have sharp canines on top and bottom and almost everyone else I see (9/10) dont


06/03/2024 11:41 AM 

Current mood:  nostalgic



06/02/2024 11:13 PM 

Things that I count as art:

Poetry, sex, paintings, music, literature, the human body, red lipstick, rain, emotions, nature, graffitti, and all other beautiful things are art to me. Art is meant to be messy and imperfect and they're supposed to make you feel. One day I hope that I make somebody feel something worth feeling. 

art, poetry, emotions, feelings


06/02/2024 11:03 PM 

Things that make me feel alive..
Current mood:  fascinated

Playing in thunder storms/heavy rain,The Jackpot Juicer album by Dance Gavin Dance,Kissing people,The sound of rain,Pixel,Jenny,My siblings,Poetry,Music,Books,Reading,Green tea,Going on long walks,Enjoying the beauty of nature and the natural world,The mountains,Crying,Joyriding at unnesseccarily high speeds, Breaking rules,Deep conversations,Astrophysics and space as a whole,Philosophy,Flirting (even when it's just with my friends and I don't mean it),Handwritten letters,complicated things,riddles,challenges


06/02/2024 09:52 PM 

im pritty funky fresh

https://C:\Users\jax\OneDrive\Pictures\Screenshots\Screenshot (24).png


06/01/2024 02:01 PM 

Current mood:  anxious

I just learned how 2 make a possum/opossum w/ kandi beads last night n I was like "m'kay cool I did that. I think that's enuf 4 today" n went to bed but I woke up and realized now I only have 2 days to learn so many new patterns n stuf b4 my theater thingy n Im sorta procrastin8ing all of it... yah I dont think Im gonna meet my deadline :P

kandi, making stuff, deadline

DeciSpark 🍉

06/01/2024 12:29 PM 

June is Pride Month

As we enter Pride Month, here are some reminders: You are valid no matter what you identify as. Trans men are men, and trans women are women.  Trans rights are human rights. Non-binary is NOT women-lite. The A in LGBTQIA+ does NOT stand for Ally. It stands for Asexual, Aromantic, and Agender. BIPOC and disabled LGBTQIA+ people are still part of the community, and are still valid. Support LGBTQIA+-owned businesses, creators, artists, and writers. Do NOT support corporate pride. Do NOT support LGB Alliance, as they are a trans hate group.

pride month, pride month 2024, happy pride month, lgbtqia, lgbtqia+, lgbtq+


06/01/2024 05:28 PM 




05/31/2024 12:22 PM 

My SpaceHey profile! (I'm more active there)
Current mood:  nostalgic

[Click here to go to my SpaceHey profile!]

spacehey, blog, profile, link, redirect

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