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11/18/2020 09:35 AM 

Current mood:  stressed

i have a college program application to fill out before friday and its a great opportunity that im going to pass lol


11/18/2020 12:34 PM 

Current mood:  adored

hio, how are u?


11/18/2020 11:31 PM 

useful ?

Well, lets see how useful this site is...  


11/18/2020 07:35 AM 


today was super nice. maggie called me in the morning, but they didnt last long. they got kinda mad and hung up lol. maggie does have a bit of a temper, but its ok. i like it tbh. we played cod for like an hour this morning, that was really fun, and maggie was sh*tting on people(like always) then they went and took a lunch and movie break. they watched a hard days night with their brother. we talked about them cooking for me, and it makes me really happy to think about trying maggies cooking. i helped maggie sign up for school classes:) we set up their account, got their login, and picked out classes. they picked some really cool classes. maggie committed tax fraud btw. i did a cringe weeb voice and talked in japanese and maggie so stop or theyd skin me lol. we both agreed that was a long hair jaden thing, and not an egg jaden. at 6 they had therapy, and i got to listen to some of it. it made me feel really proud that they were comfortable with me listening to it. im really happy that im there for them. maggie talked about cameras and photography. they LOVE it. i think its so cute when they get all excited about something. they sounded so happy talking about cameras and film. it made me really happy. also, i want to get them a camera. they love 35 and 50 mm cameras, fujifilms, and wide lens and fisheyes. after we were done maggie said "thanks, youre gonna be a good dad" and that made me feel so nice:) they would be a great mom. we played some 1v1  cod last night, and that was super fun. they destroyed me though haha. at one point i was just chasing them, and we were  running around the map lol. we were both laughing really hard. maggies family told her to shut up lol. maggie really likes the stuffy:) theyre talking about pranking me more:) i cant wait its kinda hilarious

Rata punk

11/18/2020 10:32 PM 

i don't wanna go to school anymore :/
Current mood:  bored

english class does not exist it's a facade for money laundering


11/18/2020 10:01 PM 

skadi #09

very nice seeing her face at last! ver voice was really cute :3      show is weird as always.... 


Queen Emma

11/18/2020 07:51 PM 


hi school right now pretty ass. Can't wait to go on vacation tomorrow and skip. Well talk to you later whores. Love ya 😘


11/18/2020 07:49 PM 


been playing recently, the concept art is so cool.... ! xP


11/18/2020 04:31 PM 

a mess
Current mood:  ashamed

so um my desk is so messy i have like left food on there and i have two cans of chupa chups drinks but i drank them and aa its so messy i cant,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i even have my breakfast here and my makeup brush plus my mask and also lot of trash,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,teehee



11/18/2020 04:13 PM 

online school
Current mood:  blank

omg my teacher is such a granny she doesnt know how to ude google class room xd


11/18/2020 12:53 AM 

i cant sleep lol
Current mood:  awake

i think i just started my caffeine addiction. send help i literally cannot sleep

help, idk, caffeine, sleep


11/17/2020 11:38 PM 


i wanted to post a blog so here it is. be my friend =] 


11/17/2020 10:45 PM 

Oh Damn I was gone for a while-
Current mood:  betrayed

Sorry I forgot this website existed lol anyways here's me updationg you on my life even though nobody ✨cares✨.(Screw all the fancy editing shananigans I'm too lazy at the moment)Alright so I lost many friends, one of them was way way ago and she told me to change back to who I was, but that's not what life is about, it's about moving on and growing and expanding your knowledge, y'know? She wanted me to change back to the depressed "quirky" girl that I was and hated, when I'm finally at a place where I am ACTUALLY happy and not pretending anymore. Everyone always told me I seemed like a really happy person but I really wasn't. I was taught to hide pain with a smile and laugh and I hate that. I've learned so much more and I know it's okay to feel down sometimes.Then I lost another friend, my closest friend. She was always so nice and I remember dancing with her in her living room to Enya on full blast making cinnamon buns. I don't care much for the first friends as much as I do to her, she got me, y'know? We had our differences but we were like sisters, really. I still miss her but that's not really important to her anymore. Infact I still don't even know why she decided to just throw me away (I'm not trying to make her seem like a bad person in any way, she's really not.) but when we were put in a call together she was kinda nasty to me and it hurt me. She accused me of telling someone to (TW) "kill herself" which I swear with everything I have I would never ever EVER do. That hurt me and I don't know why she thinks like that. I wish I knew why she was mad at me, it was most likely a good reason because I can be awful sometimes and I was a bit tipsy that day (not like it gives me an excuse for my actions or anything). But I miss her.She seems to be doing fine now, with the other friends I lost. I'm happy for her.I genuinley will always care about someone no matter how much I've hurt them or they-me. It's one of my best qualities and worst. I'll check up (kinda stalk really :/ ) on their social medias and all to make sure they're doing all good and all.Anyways I'll stop rambling on as this is already long enough haha, and I don't think anyone will see this anyways. I'll use it more as a place to rant I guess.🎶👁️🧡  SONG OF THE WEEK: "Moonage Daydream" by David Bowie  🧡👁️🎶P.S. It helps to listen to the song in bellbottoms, platform heels, full volume and singing, or screaming along to the lyrics;"I'm an alligator, I'm a mama-papa coming for you.I'm the space invader, I'll be a rock 'n' rollin' bitch for you"


11/17/2020 10:29 PM 

ugly tidus
Current mood:  angry

tidus always sounds so stupid!!!!!! i dontl liek him... -.-


11/17/2020 09:13 PM 

Welcome :3
Current mood:  adventurous

Hi! This is my first post on here, Im still tyrna find my way around here :d

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