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06/24/2024 10:52 PM 

Creep alert
Current mood:  disgusted

some dude named "danny" tried to friend me he's THIRTY ONE. (yes I spelled out a number just so I can put it in all caps)and the worst part is HE KNOWS IM 13 ITS LITERALLY IN MY PROFILE INFOwatch out for this dude ig idk 


06/24/2024 05:03 PM 

50 more get 2 know me questions!!
Current mood:  bored

If money were no object what would you get for your next birthday? black teeth paint, white eye contacts, face paint in all colors, a BUNCH of clown trinkets and clown decor, AND ALL THE DND DICE I COULD EVER WANT!!!!! If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? my head :3 Were you ever a scout or a brownie? NUUU XD What city were you born in? i was born in funky town, groovesberg! What did you last eat? POPSICLES What did you want to be when you were younger? a veterinarian :3 (now i wanna be an opera singer + historian) What do you do on a typical Friday night? watch the try guys + smoke :P What is one food that you refuse to eat? tuna.. What is one item on your bucket list? try coconut shrimp at least once in my life even if i have an allergic reaction.. What is one item you can’t live without? laptop ;-; What is your shoe size? 9 1/2! What movie have you watched repeatedly? SWEENEY TODD EHEHEHRHHRH What phone do you have (Apple or Android)? android blehhh ;P What should you be doing right now? sleepin.. What’s one goal you would like to accomplish this year? GIT GOOD What’s one of your pet peeves? acting like u know me better den i do! What’s the last song you’ve listened to? umm wasting away by nailbomb What’s the most expensive item of clothing that you own? ma boots! What’s the thing you can’t leave the house without? PURSE XD What’s your best physical feature? everything uwu What’s your Chinese sign? OX!!! What’s your current obsession? TEHEHEHEEH DND AND MY DND CHARACTERS UwU What’s your dream car? i wanna drive a pink hearse!!! What’s your favourite animal? monkeys ^-^!!! What’s your favourite book? a court of wings and ruin ^-^ What’s your favourite colour? PINK N ORANGE!!!!!!!! What’s your favourite dessert? ANYTHING WITH CHOCOLATE AND MINT WOOT WOOTTT What’s your favourite drink? ultra rosa monster XwO What’s your favourite food? hmmmmmmmmmmm I HAVE A LOT OF FAVORITE FOODS What’s your favourite foreign food? UMMMUMMU MUMUMUMM IDK I LIKE A LOCAL CHINESE RESTAURANT'S BEEF STIR FRY?? What’s your favourite gadget? POP IT FIDGET TOYS R COOL GADGETS What’s your favourite hobby? DND OFC!!! What’s your favourite movie? SWEENEY TODDDDDDD What’s your favourite restaurant? A STEAKHOUSE IN MY AREA FOR THEIR FRIED MUSHROOMS IM A FIEND FOR MUSHROOMS What’s your favourite sandwich? TURKEY AND GOUDA WITH MAYO AND TOASTED BREAD What’s your favourite season? SPRING!!! I LOVE TO PICK FLOWERS What’s your favourite series? SAILOR MOON What’s your favourite snack? BAKED CHIPSS What’s your favourite sport to watch? NONE OF DEM BOOOO maybe hockey is okay What’s your favourite thing to have for breakfast? anyting i can throw together xP What’s your full name? wouldnt you like to know, weather boy? What’s your longest relationship so far? A FULL YEAR X.X What’s your lucky number? 3!!!! What’s your star sign? SAGITTARIUZZZ When is your birthday? HEHEHEHEHE Which city did you grow up in? PURRRSONAL Which city do you live in now? U CANT CATCH ME Who do you miss right now? oh boy ...... Who is your celebrity crush? none i hate celebrities :3 Who’s your favourite fictional character? SWEENEY TODD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

get to know me


06/24/2024 04:58 PM 

Current mood:  accomplished

DISCLAIMER: I KIN FOR FUN!! i dont relate to or support any immoral actions the characters in these medias have taken!!My Little Pony:Rainbow DashTwilight SparkleTrixiePinkie PieCheese SandwichGravity Falls:MableGretaSweeney Todd:AnthonyMrs LovettAmazing Digital Circus:CainSteven Universe:BismuthAmethystRubySunstoneRainbow QuartzOpalInto The Woods:The Baker's WifeThe WitchKase-San! And Morning Glories:KaseYamadaNana:Nana KomatsuNaokiJunkoMonster High:Frankie SteinHowleen WolfCleo De NileAlice In Wonderland (Tim Burton's ver!!!):Mad HatterThe Craft:Nancy DownsSailor Moon:Rei HinoUsagi TsukinoLunaUndertale:PapyrusUndyneMettatonStar Vs. The Forces Of Evil-StarPony HeadBleach-OrihimeDonOwl House-Eda The Owl LadyRamshackle:Vinnie



06/24/2024 04:42 PM 

get 2 know me! 50 questions
Current mood:  adventurous

Are you a morning or night person? i try 2 be a morning person but i rlly am a night owl!!! Are you afraid of the dark? to a degree... somnetimes i LUB the dark and sometimes i hates it!!! Are you an extrovert or introvert? extrovert x.O Are you double jointed? hehe in ONE joint on my pointer finger!! Are you left or right handed? rightie!! Are you more of a tidy person or a messy one? ughhh messy -_- I TRYYYYY ;-; am lazy... Are you on time or always late? im kinda inconsistent!!!!! Are you ticklish? YUS ;-; Can you curl your tongue? uh huh i can make a w shape :3 Can you ice skate? NU. i cannut roller skate either -.- I FALL OVER SO MUCH Can you wiggle your ears? nope nope Coffee or tea? UMMM MATCHA LATTE (both both) Cookies, cake or donuts? donuts 4EVAAA Did you ever participate in a talent show? NU.. WELL.. YES? DO UIL CONCERTS COUNT I FEEL THEY COUNT Did you go to prom? im a freshman after this summer soz ive never gone 2 prom yet Did you like school? um yeas!!!! i like 2 learn and i LUBBB MY FRIENDS i get soooz sad in the summer bcuz LONLY Do you believe in ghosts? yus im very spiritual Do you bite your nails? i like to think i dont but i do </3 Do you consider yourself a good cook? YUS!! but i burn stuff a lot LULLL Do you enjoy dancing? YUS BUT IM SOOOOO UNATHLETIC LUL Do you enjoy DIY or crafts? BOTH!!!! ^0^ Do you forgive easily? um no actually :P IM DOING MY BEST 2 GET BETTER AT IT THO BUT I TEND 2 HOLD A GRUDGE ;-; Do you have a nickname? nu not yet but u can gib me one! UNLESS DA UNICORN QUEEN COUNTSSS HEHEHE Do you have any allergies? yus SO many all trees + fish! Do you have any phobias? ummm i dunnooo i think i have a lot bcuz of my OCD Do you have any piercings or tattoos? yus! i have a septum ring + am gonna get more! Do you have children? LULULULULULULULUL Do you have pets? yus! two dogs n a kitty :3 Do you have siblings? nu Do you prefer dogs or cats? BOTH I WONT CHOOSE NUUU Do you prefer Mac or PC? ur mom! XD Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? DA BEEEAAAAAAAACH Do you prefer to bath or shower? showaaa time! its my thinking time! i never think otherwise :3 Do you sing in the shower? YUS am a singer Do you smoke? weed ;P Do you speak any different languages? umm a little spanish Do you still have your wisdom teeth? yus!!!! Do you still watch cartoons? heheheeeehehe yussss i watch some animes :3 mostly yuri! (NOT NSFW. i will not watch anything nsfw) Do you/have you played any sports? NU!!!!!!!!! but choir counts i tink so yus :3 Does your name have a special meaning? lurue is the unicorn goddess in dungeons and dragons canon lore :3 Have you ever been hospitalized? yus Have you ever been on a diet? NU and i neva will Have you ever been to a concert? YUSSSS IT WAS EPICCC THERE WUZ FALLING IN REVERSE + AVENGED SEVENFOLD AND IT WAS SICKKKK AS HEKK Have you ever gone camping? um nu 3: ID LUB TO Have you ever met any celebrities? maybe :3 idk and idc!! Have you ever skipped class? nu my mama would have my head Have you ever won something? YUS a spelling bee LUL jk yus small contests :3 Have you had braces? nu but i should How are you feeling right now? sleepy eepy x.0 zZzZZZzz How tall are you? 5'3 n gettin tallerrr

get to know me


06/24/2024 04:34 PM 

Current mood:  tired

Things I wanna try:-Crocheting-Skateboarding (I know how but I wanna learn some cool tricks)-Rollerskating (relearn ig)-painting-animating/animation-competitive swimmingMight continue the list ltr!!


06/24/2024 03:21 AM 

glistening red apple (poem)

little worm,you know i wonder so if you heard me pluck your apple from the tree in my grandfather's backyard, that blistering june evening. it was summer, i was yon by the stables, knee-deep in the mud, and the apples were right for picking. it was silly of me to have picked that apple anyway, for i saw the bruise right there on your side, but i ignored myself and picked it anyway. when i bit you, the apple rotted in my mouth, and apple juice came gushing out the gaps in my teeth. grandfather made me bury the apple underneath the tree the next morning.


06/24/2024 03:20 PM 

guys what da hell?

they got my sign totes wrong in my blog thing. what da hell. ._. i'm NOT a scorpio!!!!!!!! IM A SAGITTARIUS!

wth!, im a sagittarius


06/24/2024 02:52 PM 

Current mood:  bouncy

I made a group! Its for people who want to zoom with me and my other online friends on here!! Anyone can join!! Luv you guyssss!!


06/24/2024 02:22 PM 

Current mood:  accomplished

DISCLAIMER: I KIN FOR FUN!! i dont relate to or support any immoral actions the characters in these medias have taken!!My Little Pony:Rainbow DashTwilight SparkleTrixiePinkie PieCheese SandwichGravity Falls:MableGretaSweeney Todd:AnthonyMrs LovettAmazing Digital Circus:CainSteven Universe:BismuthAmethystRubyInto The Woods:The Baker's WifeThe WitchKase-San! And Morning Glories:KaseYamadaNana:Nana KomatsuNaokiJunkoMonster High:Frankie SteinHowleen WolfCleo De NileAlice In Wonderland (Tim Burton's ver!!!):Mad HatterThe Craft:Nancy DownsSailor Moon:Rei HinoUsagi TsukinoUndertale:PapyrusUndyneMettaton

kinlist, kins, kinnie, kinning


06/24/2024 12:44 AM 

one of my dnd characters -.0
Current mood:  accomplished

OKAYYYY soz her name is pisceris catmint!i used "an elf and an orc had a little baby" to design her race/parentage traits :) she's a half-dryad half-fairy!she's a princess of a dryad kingdom deep in the feywild, borne of a political marriage between her mother, the queen, and her father, a fairy king from a neighboring kingdom!! she's always been fascinated by the idea of non-fae people who live on other planes, namely the material plane + humans!!! she grew up being told tall tales and lots of different rumors about them, and finally when she turned 444 she decided to take a trip to the material plane and join an adventurer's guild for 12 moons to learn about the way natives of the material plane live :3she's a multiclassed 3rd lvl way of the drunken master monk + 3rd lvl wild magic sorcerer!!!i based her appearance off of a rainbow eucalyptus >W< LMK IF U WANT 2 KNOW MORRRR! i've also made all of her party members! she's for a solo campaign im doing just 4 me!

dnd, dungeons and dragons, oc, original character


06/24/2024 01:34 PM 

my BESTies
Current mood:  happy

guys JUST SO YOU KNOW  Angie and Fear are my new besties and we're basically a pack AWOOOO the true alphas, if you will. ANYWAYS YAH SHOUTOUT TO @AngieTheCrackerjack AND @-Unstble-b0z0_ILY GUYSSSS


06/23/2024 09:27 PM 

Current mood:  envious



06/23/2024 08:19 PM 

Guys help💀
Current mood:  accomplished

Guys last time I took my adhd pills was over 2 months ago


06/23/2024 07:12 PM 

Current mood:  okay

Guys I'm totally gonna start posting my art on here!!! I'll post some ltr :3


06/23/2024 04:07 PM 

the first bite is always the sweetest (but not for me)

time seems to blur the speed of memories;now you're aching for postcoital want the rush and the risk of it all,but when you bite the apple, i'll take the'll taste the skin and i'll bite to the core,i'll bear every seed while you ask for more."it's not sweet enough," the flavor of youth,bore a hole through me to satisfy your sweet i'll hear about your friends and their trees,and how you harvest nothing when you water me –would you even let me blossom and persist?nothing said after. just patriarchal desist.why want more when my branches are left brittle?why risk permanence at mania's committal?this gluttony is something long foreseen,if i too were on top, in taking i'd be keenbury me beneath the soil with my dreams,i'll gladly decay if it means i'm esteemed.i'd rather burgeon in a few years' time,'cause now you can't look after your fruit, nor mine 

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