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12/05/2016 05:35 PM 

A little reminder
Current mood:  inspired

Hey guys Hope you're doing good. I've been good too, just working. I just want to remind you all that no matter who tries to bring you down, rise up and be great! The best revenge is success. If someone tells you that you can't do something prove them wrong! Just keep doing you and don't let anyone dull your shine.


11/26/2016 12:56 PM 

Current mood:  sleepy

Hey guys. Hope you all had a great turkey day. I did, I got to spend it with my family so it was nice. Tomorrow my mother in law and I are having a baby shower for my sister in law. The baby was born early before we could have the shower so she will be making a special appearance I guess lol. She's a cute baby. And luckily even though she was born early she's healthy. My husband and I want to have a baby of our own someday. But we do want to wait until were a little older. We've been married for 2 years and everyone asks when were gonna have kids and I always say, when were ready! Lol. Well hope y'all have a good day tomorrow. Bye!

Baby, baby shower, life


11/05/2016 05:48 PM 

Rise of PepoDo

When there is PepoDo... There is PepoSee and PepoSay...UFO.. after work alright. Feeling like Mudvayne - dig..U JUST SHUT! I NEED MY VHT PITBULL ULTRA LEAD 100 OUT OF 4X12 V30S.SMACKING MY ROOMS WALLChupa and Cobra = ChupacabraMilitary spec tactical core band awaken..CHUPA 4 DA LIFE .ep1.Sergio2.COBRA3.M249 Squad Automatic Weapons

♥JessieLynn♥ [06.04.13♥]

11/04/2016 11:34 PM 

Losing a Grandparent Changed My Life
Current mood:  sad

Death isn't what the average 20-something thinks about everyday. You don't think it will happen to you, or the people around you. You know that it exists, because you see heart-wrenching reports on the news daily of another life lost to ignorance or hate.Yes, losing a grandparent definitely changes your life. For some of us it's a drastic change. To others: they knew it was coming. Still, some weren't even close to their grandparents because they lived too far away from each other to build a relationship in person. I can't even fathom that considering both of my grandparents lived a city away from me or across town. They are your second set of parents and the love you've had for your entire life. They are the lessons learned and the ones holding your hand through it all.When my grandfather died (affectionately known to me as Papa), my life changed. I watched him take his last breath in the hospital alone. I called my mother to tell her that her father died. In that moment: my emotionally sheltered life was torn apart. In that moment: I had to grow up. The person I had leaned on my entire life was gone. I literally reconsidered everything I had done in my life in a matter of hours. I thought about college, finally graduating and walking across that stage: cords swinging and my tassel hanging there. That was his biggest dream for me, we were only a year away from it when he left this earth.When a grandparent passes they take a part of you: big or small. When you were younger you planned out life with them. You shared your dreams with them, your insecurities, your childish ways and most of all you shared your love. They in turn taught you lessons about life, helped you realize those dreams, and never let you go without being told you were loved every single time they saw you. They are the suppliers of happiness, security, and laughs. Friends come and go, but your family stays with you forever.The bottom line is: most everyone knows what it's like to lose a grandparent. We all cope differently, and leaning on others is the best way to keep yourself up. Facing the reality of death is the only way we can accept it and move on. Moving on doesn't mean forgetting, it means understanding. We were lucky enough to have these amazing people to guide us through our younger years, teaching us these vital lessons. I can't tell you how many times a day I wish I had my papa back. Learning to cope without them is the hardest part, even years later. Grandparents prepare you for life's greatest gains. Little did they know they would be their grandchildren's biggest loss. Live for them, and give them a legacy to be proud of.

♥JessieLynn♥ [06.04.13♥]

11/03/2016 10:48 PM 

To My Ex-Best Friend
Current mood:  sad

We grew up and grew apart.To the person who used to know all my secrets,I still wish you the best. I still hope you can find someone to dance with you to a Disney song at your wedding, and someone who likes the same college football team as you so you can raise your children in a unified household. I still hope you land your dream job and I still think your mother is a saint. I hope you're happy wherever you are and I hope that you've gotten everything you've ever wanted. And I hope you found someone who was a better fit for you and the direction your life was going than I was.Whether it was a boy, a fight, or just plain old growing apart, I am sorry if you still harbor any ill will towards me. I have none for you, and I am sorry for whatever it is that causes you to still hold any towards me. We grew together, and then we grew apart, it happens, it's sad, but it's a part of life. You helped me continue on in the race, but you were never intended to help me across the finish line. I'm not mad, I don't blame you, I just get a little sad when I'm full of nostalgia and can't reach out to you and say "remember that time when.."Everyone we meet is either supposed to serve as a lifelong bond or a lesson, and you were the latter. The lesson could have been a good one, or it could have been a heartbreaking one, but either way thank you. There is nobody else I would want to be a lesson than someone I created as many memories with. You are a lesson that I'll never forget, just like our memories will be ones that I tell my children one day. You haven't been erased just because you're no longer in my life.Thank you for the valuable advice you gave me, for the time you spent with me, and for helping me discover who I was as a person. I'm sorry that the people we became weren't compatible but I'm not sorry about the journey that brought us to this conclusion.My mom still asks about you, because despite the possibility that we might have gotten in a nasty fight, I never told her the dirty details. I didn't want to taint you in her eyes in the event that we find our way back to each other down the road. The door will always be open, you have seen me ugly laugh, and held me when I ugly cry, we have been through things that there is no going back from, and this is an undeniable fact that means you will always be welcome back into my life.I secretly hold onto the hope that one day I'll bump into you, all will be forgiven, and we can start being friends again. I've accepted the reality that this isn't going to happen, but I never want you to think you would be insulted or belittled if you did reappear.I look forward to following your progress through this crazy beautiful life via social media, and tidbits from mutual friends. I hope one day your kids hear stories about me, and can tell you and I had a bond that endured many adventures. I hope you tell them kind things about me and use us as a lesson that while some friends are forever, some aren't and there is nothing wrong with that.Just know I pray for your happiness, I wish nothing but good things for you, and I hope you found some other amazing best friends like I did.Sincerely,That girl who used to be in all your pictures

𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖔 𝕮𝖊𝖘𝖆𝖗

11/02/2016 06:01 PM 

Owning a Blackberry Priv
Current mood:  animated

Its freaking awesome. I think its makes 2016s top 10 list for sure.Youtube review to come soon.  -Posted November 2nd, 2016

Blackberry, Priv, Android, Phone, Google, Privacy, Privilege, Review,


10/24/2016 06:57 PM 


You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.


10/21/2016 12:29 AM 

Friend Project Flyleaf

Saw that Friend Project had a lyric video for So I Thought by Flyleaf when Lacey was their singer.  I love that song so much!  I love the old and new Flyleaf.  And I love Lacey Sturm's solo album too! :)

♥JessieLynn♥ [06.04.13♥]

09/30/2016 07:57 PM 

44 Odd Things You Don't Know About Me
Current mood:  blah

1. Do you like blue cheese? Only on the Buffalo blue cheese combos2. Have you ever smoked? Yes just to try. 3. Do you own a gun? No4. What is your favorite flavor? Chicken5. Do you get nervous before Doctor visits? Sometimes 6. What do you think of hot dogs? Ew7. Favorite Movie? Night mare on elm street8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Pop9. Do you do push ups? Hahahahah no10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? Jesus loves me necklace 11. Favorite hobby? Editing pictures12. Do you have A.D.D? No13. What's the one thing you dislike about yourself? Teeth14. What is your middle name? Lynn 15. Name three thoughts at this moment... I dobt wanna clean. I'm uncomfortable & sleeeep16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? 17. Current worry? Unspoken18. Current annoyance right now? Hearing about stupid clowns19. Favorite place to be? Away from here haha20. How do you ring in the new year? With a bottle. Hello! Hahahha no, with adam & kids. 21. Where would you like to go? The mall to shop away22. Name three people who will complete this? Vaneesa Pressley Cathmay Lipira Kristin Hull23. Do you own slippers? Yes24. What color shirt are you wearing right now? Blue25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Idc lol26. Can you whistle? No 27. What are your favorite colors? Blue & pink 28. Would you be a pirate? No29. What songs do you sing in the shower? None30. Favorite girls name? Jaelynn, tensley, Tynisha 31. Favorite boys name? Kaden & Davyn 32. What's in your pocket right now? Nothing33. Last thing that made you laugh? Davyn Charles-Lewis Bailey34. Best toy as a child? Bratz35. Worst injury you ever had? Sprained ankle36. Where would you love to live? Florida37. How many TV's do you have? 438. Who is your loudest friend? Jessica Marie Wooten shes my cousin 39. How many dogs do you have? None40. Does someone trust you? Idk41. What book are you reading at the moment? None42. What's your favorite candy Reese cups43. What's your favorite sports team? Cowboys, Buckeyes. Pirates, Penguins & Bulls44. Favorite season? SummerNow, YOUR TURN!!!(There is a clean copy in the comments.)


09/24/2016 11:25 PM 

Madison Ross

Madison Ross


09/12/2016 10:02 PM 

i'm baackk
Current mood:  bored

hello everybody, i'm back again. for videos here's my vidbit page. 

cats9119 i'm back vidbit

♥JessieLynn♥ [06.04.13♥]

09/04/2016 02:26 PM 

Adam Everette Bailey [6;4;13]
Current mood:  loved

I Have Known You My Whole Life! Started Crushing On You Back In 2003 When I Was 13 Years Old! We'd Talk Here & There, Was Never A Constant Thing With Us. But We've Always Remained Friends! One Day You Came To My Mom's House When Kaden Was Just A Few Months Old,The Minute You Came In & Sat Down My heart Raced So Bad! I Knew Right There I Wanted To Be With You, But When You Said You Have A Child I Thought You Was Still WIth The Mother So I Stayed With Kadens Dad.. But My Heart Was Stolen By You That Day! SO I Left Kadens Dad Not Long After. One Day You Looked Me Up On Facebook Out Of No Where We'd Talk Here & There Again, On April 13th, 2013 You Came To My Apartment In Wellsville We Hung Out & You Got To See Kaden! Then We Talked More, On April 30th, 2013 You Told Me You Loved Me! Oh My Was My Heart Filled With Joy! On June 4th, 2013 You Asked Me To Tell Everyone That I Had A Boyfriend & I Couldn't Because I Can't Lie. Then Around 7:00pm You Asked MeTo Be Your Girl! & Now Look At Us! 3 Years Later & We're Still Inlove & Going Strong! I Love You Adam Everette!


09/02/2016 12:26 PM 

DB Midi Site
Current mood:  adventurous

♥JessieLynn♥ [06.04.13♥]

08/31/2016 03:01 PM 

Davyn Charles-Lewis Bailey
Current mood:  adored

pregnancy lasted 39weeks. had contractions for about almost 24 hours. went to the hospital Tuesday, November 11th, 2014. had a c-section on november 11th, 2014.. 5:10pm Davyn CHarles-Lewis Bailey was born! 11;11;14 at 5:10pm weighing 8lbs & 3ozs, 21in long! god gave me the most precious baby boy in the whole entire world! i wouldn't trade him in for anything in this world! this little boy is my whole entire world! i'll do whatever it takes to keep him safe & healthy! mommy & Daddy loves you Davyn Charles-Lewis Bailey! Its Hard To Believe You'll Be 2 Here soon! WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?!?!? 

♥JessieLynn♥ [06.04.13♥]

08/28/2016 06:39 PM 

Current mood:  bummed

Wow.. I can't believe it's been 5 years! I miss you so much Kirstien! This is so heartbreaking! I want my little sister back! :'( I'd give anything to see you or talk to you one more time! Rest easy.. Fly high with no limitations baby girl!♥ Wow Kay. I feel like I lost my blood sister! I can't take it. Yeah I might not cry everyday, but that don't mean i don't love & miss you. i got all of your pics & obituary in frames. this is rally hard. I feel like crying right now as i write this. my eyes are tearing up. you was my friend, best friend, partner in crime, sister, & my son's aunt. i miss you so much. this is very heartbreaking. i'm not gonna lie! I miss you soo much. i wish i could get a text or call or something! but i know its not gonna happen.i'll never let you go! I refuse to! i'm glad your not suffering any more tho. please rest easy & fly high baby girl. NO LiMiTATiONS♥

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