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♥JessieLynn♥ [06.04.13♥]

03/14/2018 08:50 PM 

Losing A Grandparent Changed My Life
Current mood:  bummed

Live for them, and give them a legacy to be proud of.Death isn’t what the average 20-something thinks about every day. You don’t think it will happen to you, or the people around you. You know that it exists because you see heart-wrenching reports on the news daily of another life lost to ignorance or hate.Yes, losing a grandparent definitely changes your life. For some of us, it's a drastic change. To others: they knew it was coming. Still, some weren't even close to their grandparents because they lived too far away from each other to build a relationship in person. I can't even fathom that considering both of my grandparents lived a city away from me or across town. They are your second set of parents and the love you've had for your entire life. They are the lessons learned and the ones holding your hand through it all.When my grandfather died (affectionately known to me as Papa), my life changed. I watched him take his last breath in the hospital alone. I called my mother to tell her that her father died. In that moment: my emotionally sheltered life was torn apart. In that moment: I had to grow up. The person I had leaned on my entire life was gone. I literally reconsidered everything I had done in my life in a matter of hours. I thought about college, finally graduating and walking across that stage: cords swinging and my tassel hanging there. That was his biggest dream for me, we were only a year away from it when he left this earth.When a grandparent passes they take a part of you: big or small. When you were younger you planned out life with them. You shared your dreams with them, your insecurities, your childish ways and most of all you shared your love. They, in turn, taught you lessons about life, helped you realize those dreams, and never let you go without being told you were loved every single time they saw you. They are the suppliers of happiness, security, and laughs. Friends come and go, but your family stays with you forever.The bottom line is: most everyone knows what it's like to lose a grandparent. We all cope differently, and leaning on others is the best way to keep yourself up. Facing the reality of death is the only way we can accept it and move on. Moving on doesn't mean forgetting, it means understanding. We were lucky enough to have these amazing people to guide us through our younger years, teaching us these vital lessons. I can't tell you how many times a day I wish I had my papa back. Learning to cope without them is the hardest part, even years later. Grandparents prepare you for life's greatest gains. Little did they know they would be their grandchildren's biggest loss. Live for them, and give them a legacy to be proud of.[I Didnt Write This]

♥JessieLynn♥ [06.04.13♥]

03/13/2018 04:04 PM 


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03/11/2018 03:59 PM 

Current mood:  nostalgic

im eating garlic bread and getting nostalgic abt playstation homeim pissed whyd they shut it down i miss the konami penthouse and the beach and sh*t like thtplus i had alot of cool outfits on there..mostly stuff friends gave me so i never spent any money it lol

playstation home, i miss it


03/10/2018 06:39 PM 

spiderman 3 bitches hells to the yeah
Current mood:  hungry

im making..nachos.f*** Yeah hell yeah


03/10/2018 06:32 PM 

How is she doing? How shes feeling?

Today was off work im glad I have2days off without work day between. Bit hard to alright. Woke up earlier than workdays had to go clinic for myself to maintain. After I had my haircut same place. Same stylist. I told her I gigged 3 times and my equipment and sound, as well as choosing band name. Sorts of my mind I didn't like band name. My equipment not powerful sounds. I left and quitted band myself. I stated we could make record label DIY with 1 yen as legal business and many people wanted to be famous instead 5-10years work and off days lets DIY creative band. Mind was student couldn't reached. After eating pasta. I went to British pub hub. In that case "KADOSH. IM DRINKING JUICE. " Every one was watching soccer and I ordered fish and chips. I was kind of shy. I felt hows Ceri in Manchester doing? May be shes married. I was feeling lonely. May be I am not nice to think of her If married.Thinking about her pale skin and black shaggy hair and glasses. Skinny and very prank minded. Ceri is prank minded but very unique and original in fact very attractive to be with.. I liked British pub HUB. I do think back of my student times in 2009 Tokyo interacting with British girls. I felt I may be stranger in British pub drinking Juice. But I liked fish and chips and apple soda pop cocktails with no alchol. Back in train. I was thinking of missing my fun memories in Student days in Tokyo and myself to move there, work etc. Or getting over that and stay in Sendai. Kind of hard issues for me. I don't get attracted to Japanese girl. Around 10 I saw British white in Southeast. Today I received clipper organic tea. Orange and blueberry. Its made in UK and prices same as tea in supermarket. When you look to many food its matter of scientific ingredient and mass produce and feed. Clipper organic tea. Very pretty package designs and I liked the tastes. No need to say it tastes nutritional and chemically updated. Has to be. Tea. By hands like this. I do lay myself on walls blogging now. My electric guitar and rackmount, start off zero audience my stage performance alone. Where to is important. I would blast raw blast mute onto sync. Rehearse to all. My residence has to be remaining same affordable prices along with olympic Im estimating prices going up. I wanted to choose color of flowers to put on Ceri indie kids clothes. Sitting next to her. She say "Die Yuto .. Die Yuto .." with numbers of flowers on her knee at garden park. I say Definately blue. Same as your country flag color. I would tell her "You don't know how attractive you are Ceri.. "


03/09/2018 11:52 PM 

Another old poem I wrote years ago
Current mood:  nervous

Out of sight and out of mind, Ignorance can you make blind. A lifetime spent pursuing money, Bleakest days, no longer sunny. Promise made, no plan to keep, Walking through life half asleep.Pretending virtue, filled with vice, A heart of flint and veins of ice.Evermore consumed by fear, Sell yourself out year to year.A self built cage in which you'll dwell, A thirst for more, you'll never quell.


03/09/2018 11:49 PM 

Work depresses me
Current mood:  anxious

It's not laziness, it's just a combination of my various issues, I am very asocial and HATE having to interact with most other people, but I have to go in their every day with co-workers and customers I dislike, also it's the fear and uncertainty, my boss is super demanding and always finds fault with my work no matter what I do. I constantly stress and worry I am gonna get fired, not be able to pay my rent and wind up on the street. Then I get depressed that I have to live this way, beholden to someone else, having to say "how high" when he says jump, having to sit there and just take it when he yells at me. I just want to stay home and not speak to or deal with anyone.


03/06/2018 05:51 PM 

Poem I wrote years ago
Current mood:  blah

As a ghostly shade I flitter, And haunt my mouldy tomb, Bereft of all companionship, Within this twilit gloom, Of who I was when still alive, No memory remains, For defilers of my place of rest, My wrath I won't refrain, A thing of dust and shadow, Who will bring you naught but tears, I'll drain you of your life and love, And actualize your fears


03/05/2018 10:37 PM 

Against All Odds
Current mood:  unhappy

They never wished to end up this wayCurled up in a ball counting their blessingsTo stop the tears from falling astraySo that their sadness would have a meaning And then behind a wall of numbersThey hide, feeling every day numberThey never wished to end up this wayBut life doesn't care about feelingsOn their highs their head meets the ceiling Come down hitting rock bottom anywayAnd then behind a wall of mockeryThey hug their knees hoping for betterThey never wished to end up this wayYet finding the light gets harder every dayIsn't it supposed to be at the end of the road?Why won't anyone let them take the highway?They never wished to end up this wayOne more nightsky That's one more daylightOne more small victoryOver the meaningless fightThat is the c(o)urse of their life

poetry, poems, life, death, sadness, depression ig, nb pronouns!!, mindpuke, stuff, mind, brain, I'm sad, aren't we all


03/03/2018 03:30 PM 

A-2-Z About Me Survey

I lowkey stole this idea from Azazel oops{---Basics---}Name: PatrickNickname(s): TrickAge: 15Birthday: April 12Birthplace: Poole, EnglandCurrent Location: Bournemouth, EnglandEye Color: BlueHair Color: Naturally brown, currently brown-blackHeight: 5'10Weight: 52kgLefty or Righty: Right handedZodiac Sign: Aries solar and lunar, Cancer ascendantWhat Do You Drive: Nothing I'm 15Screenname: ptvtrick, infiniteunknown, cvrcercity and xxpoisonheartxx{---Favorites---}Color: greenNumber: 27Band: Carcer CityMusic Genre: Metalcore/Post HardcoreTV Show: Hunter X Hunter??Movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas or BeetlejuiceActor: Patrick StewartActress: Whoopi GoldbergKind of Movie: Anime moviesCartoon: Steven Universe or VoltronSport: VolleyballFast Food Restaurant: Taco BellFood: PringlesIce Cream: Mango or strawberryCereal: CheeriosCandy: SkittlesDrink: Bubble teaAlcoholic Beverage: NoneQuote: 'This is not what it is, only baby scars' - Second & Sebring{---Do You---}Have any siblings: Yes, 1 older sisterHave any pets: Yes, 4 cats and some fishHave a job: Not yetHave a cellphone: Yes, Galaxy S6Have any special talents or skills: I can play several instruments and singHave any fears: Wasps, staplers and being replacedHave a bedtime: Around 10pmSing in the shower: Always!!!Want to go to college: If by college you mean university then noGet along with your parents: NoHave any piercings: Not yetHave any tattoos: Not yetSwear: Far too muchSmoke: NoDrink: NoDo Drugs: No{---Love & All That Crap---}Ever been in love: Yess ♥Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: NoAre you single: NoAre you in a relationship: YesDo you have a crush on someone: Pete WentzEver been dumped: YesEver dumped someone: Yes{---This or That---}Fruit or Vegetable: VegetableBlack or White: BlackLights On or Lights Off: Lights offTV or Movie: TVCar or Truck: CarCash or Check: CheckRock or Rap: RockChocolate or Vanilla: ChocolateFrench Toast or French Fries: French friesStrawberries or Blueberries: ..can I have both??>.<Cookies or Muffins: Cookies *-*Winter Break or Spring Break: Winter break! Christmas!!Hugs or Kisses: Aghhh hugs???{---Have You Ever---}Danced in a public place: YesSmiled for no reason: All the timeLaughed so hard you cried: YesTalked to someone you don't know: YesDrank alcohol: YesDone drugs: NoPartied 'til the sun came up: NoGotten a ticket: NoBeen arrested: NoBeen convicted of a crime: NoBeen in a wreck: YesBeen out of the country: Yes{---Random & Silly Junk---}Are you a virgin: NoEver TP'd someone's house: NoEver egged someone's house: NoHow many languages do you speak: 2 at the moment, soon to be 3Who do you compare yourself to: Everyone oopsEver regret anything: Every second of my existenceDo you like being tickled: No who tf doesWhat are your goals: Become a performing artist and help people with my musicAre your fingers tired: Not reallyAre you tired of this survey: YesAre you happy: What even is happinessTake this survey ->


03/03/2018 03:55 PM 

I want to collect tea.

I like drinking tea. There are lots of teas,herbs to many kinds. I want to drink tea offwork days to before going to job. Imported teas from UK and Europe different designs of packages and flavor. I will stock and drink while watching movies to creating my DIY designs and musics. I don't turn my shower rooms light. I like the color of moist when light are shining from outside via shower rooms window Nicoletta Elmi in Andyworhol Frankenstein and Profondo Rosso. Her behavior in movie inspires me. Likely against the humanity of generation. My guitars and racksystems these devices has lots of feelings from me .I take care every days. Preparing myself to do my music in Tokyo. If I met perfect girl friend I want to cook together. I want to make her creative artistic and attractive . I don't drink or smoke as well as I don't ink mybody. Tattoo sticker for one night is alright if she wants me to be bad Dinner to theme park. Sit next to me. I drink smoothie next to my girl friend . Hold my hand while sitting together landscape and Skies, my feeling does it reach to your heart? Let me sleep on your knees.I want to be perfect one for my girl friend. Sometimes I think about Relationships I want to make my children like a pretty dolls of mine. British girl attracts me. To the Tokyo back again. Once money is ready My music activity as well. My sadness I can get over. Look to the sky with me? Sandwich and drinks lean to me if its cold. How do you feel? In silence together. I will be your perfect one. Forever with me,Lets make unforgettable memory together hold my hand strongly. I made flower to put on your clothes or hair. My pretty girl such a beautiful face and romantic don't need to speak. Lean to me. Forever your feeling inside my heart


03/02/2018 09:16 PM 

As Pen Meets The Page

I held the unmarked papers,With the intent of telling a story.Here I am,With this pen I'd put my thoughts to words.Their eyes won't see what I have seen, The page has burned before me, No new chapters to be written, My life becomes an endless cycle. I'll replace the directions I lost. Because I can't see the map I had,My tears have kissed the ink. Where do I go from here?With every breath my lungs grow tired,My heart is pierced with a knife of regret,What have I become?Is this what life is meant to be?


02/26/2018 08:05 PM 

tu commences � me faire chier

Deux yeux pleins d'espoirPleins de larmes Cimeti�res d'envies noiresD�potoir d'armesTon coeur, une centrale nucl�aire Ton sourire, une image �ph�m�re Notre toujours, sensation passag�re Ton bonheur, ma tombe, mon enfer Tu commences � me faire chierTout va bien, fais comme si j'existais pasGarde moi comme un chien Traite moi comme un drapSi tout collapse, l� t'as besoin de moi  �cris moi chaque jour" J'suis toujours l� pour toi"Tu joues la victime de pi�ces oubli�esTu vends ton attention en pi�ces d�tach�esJ'en ai marre de rien valoirJ'suis tann�e d'�tre � tes piedsDepuis le premier soir tu m'as ignor�eUn jour j'vais te le faire payerSi le silence c'est ce que tu veuxDe tes radars je dispara�traiT'sais, des fois, t'as pas besoin d'�tre Miss My life is falling apartT'sais, juste une fois, essaye donc �a �tre l� pour les autresPas t'en calisser compl�tement jusqu'� ce que toi t'aies besoin de quelqu'unSi t'�tais tellement une bonne �meT'auras pas besoin d't'en vanter


02/22/2018 06:22 PM 


Coming soon.


02/21/2018 10:36 PM 

Current mood:  blah

First post! Hope it doesnt suck too much. Sup! I'm TJ, a 15-year-old sadboi from the suburbs of chicago.Dispite all of my exclamation points, i dont really talk with much excitement, unless im being SuPeR dUpEr SaRcAsTiC!!!!! "Smell u later losers"-Ya boi Gary oak

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