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09/21/2019 10:35 PM 

i don't know honestly
Current mood:  bored

you ever just constantly check all your social media accounts lookin' for something to do and there's nothing to do? you keep checking them over and over and NOTHING. a cycle of boredom. im doing that right now. nOtHiNg. 


09/21/2019 10:01 PM 

who am i?
Current mood:  contemplative

while working on this page, ive been all but assaulted by this question over and over. looking at the pages of others as well. when i was a kid i wanted to be emo so bad. i looked up to my friend valeries brother nathan so much -- i was six, and he was about fourteen or so, and he skateboarded and dyed his hair pink. he had a waterbed and a panic! at the disco poster. he loved jeffree star. he wore a pair of high heels on halloween. i figured that when i grew up id be like him.emo died out in the interim between kindergarten and eighth grade, which was the year that i finally became a human being. i had briefly tried being scene in fifth grade, but i was chubby and had curly hair, so it didnt work out well. besides, once i got to eighth grade, id mostly exhausted my enthusiasm for the pop punk that characterized the mainstream view of emo in my childhood. i was already becoming embarrassed of my love of my chemical romance, so i stopped listening to them.nowadays im constantly frustrated with labels. people would call me an art hoe, a hipster, indie, emo, 'aesthetic', whatever other meaningless phrases they came up with to fit me into a box they could easily understand. a few keywords to describe a condensed version of my self-expression and personality. i like to think im genuinely different from the people who actually can be simplified into one word, and people i know have confirmed that belief -- but still, who am i? i wish sometimes i could figure out what i am with a cute turn of phrase.some of the profiles ive seen on here seem so confident in their knowledge of themselves. they freely label themselves emo or scene. im not sure i have the right. i listen to all kinds of emo music, from the 2000s emo pop i gave up in eighth grade but always find myself returning to when i want to escape the stresses of life four years later to an obsession with a band formed in new hampshire that samples malcolm in the middle, sonic, street fighter, akira, and tim allen movies. is it the media i consume that i use to identify myself? it is, a lot of the time. when asked to come up with facts about myself for ice breakers i usually resort to listing favorite bands and films. i think sometimes that other people have already said everything i could ever think to say. and, i mean, at least i read books. at least ive read the catcher in the rye.i dont dress in the style of any particular subculture. im f***ing broke, for one thing, so i dont exactly have the funds to change out my entire wardrobe often to go along with trends. nor do i have the funds to buy every piece from hot topic, and especially not from some obscure, edgy brand online. i tend to wear one of two or three pairs of thrifted blue jeans or shorts every day, with a t-shirt advertising a band i like on top and converse or birkenstocks on bottom. my hair is still as curly and brown as it was in fifth grade when i lamented not being able to properly tease my hair into a perfectly swooped side bang. still, most people seem to think im pretty alternative just from my clothes, as plain as they usually are. is it enough? am i 'emo'? am i a 'hipster'? is it cool and trendy that i dont have the money to buy from somewhere other than goodwill? i suppose so. people tell me a lot that its cool. i see a lot of pictures of people on this website who look like the dictionary definition of an emo kid -- would i look like a poser to them? does it matter?it might surprise the people who know me that i have no sense of identity. that i constantly worry about being a fraud. they know im a slacker with perfect grades (overachieving underachiever, underachieving overachiever) and an artist (i scribble over half the drawings with sharpie) and an individual (i talk out of turn in class and make people mad). yet the normal kids dont like me because im too weird, and the weird kids think im not weird enough when im really... still too weird.where does the real me lie? in my inner thoughts? in my sketchbook? in the clothes i wear? in the music i listen to? the words of the books i read and reread? is it reflected back in the mirror? the reflection in the mirror is intangible. its just a reflection.being emo in 2019 is hard.


09/21/2019 07:34 PM 

!TS P3AC3 DAY!1!1!!1!1!1!
Current mood:  cheerful



09/21/2019 06:37 PM 

send love to my poor 90's furby :((
Current mood:  sad

he won't speak to me and idk what his naym iz :'(


09/19/2019 05:43 PM 

Sooo I wrote a poem
Current mood:  sad

So, I've written poems before, but I've decided to actually share one, just to see what people think, please be absolutely honest, well here it is my poem, Wondering this empty garden.Wondering this empty gardenTranquillity fills this landFor once there is reliefFrom the stench of the cold, dark airThe garden breaths colour everywhereBold blue, yonder yellow, perfect pinkThe smell of nature calls away the darknessLulls away from despairYet even a beautiful place hold scarsSoon the beauty withers awayIt can nether recover what’s lostAnd what is hidden is always thereSoon this place of perfection will dieIts blossoming colour turned greyFor that is nature's way, is it notTo wilt, and fade to air


09/18/2019 10:15 PM 

september quiz!
Current mood:  excited

after working on my fanfic for a while -- tomorrows my update day and i only started this chapter today, oops -- i decided to take a break to... write something different! i actually think it would be pretty cool to use this blog feature once a week or so, at least, to talk about stuff im wasting time on or post poetry or something... but i guess ill break it in with a quiz. my philosophical ass livejournal never went very far, anyway. :P as a side note, can anyone tell me how to do nice coding on this page? haha. the code from my profile only does half the work and i just did a generator with some tweaks for that.1. Is autumn your favourite season (if not then what is??!)?see, i always used to say autumn was my favorite season, but realistically i think its winter. autumn here in florida is almost just as hot as summer, school is starting, its marching season (im in the band), and the leaves dont even change color here... halloween is awesome, of course, but florida really only has two seasons to choose from. 2. Back to school/college etc. What's your favourite subject you do in school?i mean... art. but i feel like thats cheating! i love english a lot, too, so ill go with that.3. Do you enjoy school/college etc.?i loved school as a kid, but then i got depressed. lol. now its too stressful for me. i like seeing my friends and all, cause if im not forced out of the house i usually dont leave at all, but thats it. im a total overachiever, though (4.6+ gpa ftw!!!)4. What's your fashion style this autumn? (Colours, types of style etc. etc.)honestly... ive been wearing so much tie dye, cause ive been making a lot! not very fall appropriate. other than that i wear my usual band t shirt, jeans, chucks, maybe a nice autumnal flannel when im feeling frisky. i get all my clothes from goodwill minus the band shirts, so i really dress pretty plainly most days... 5. What music is your favourite(s) emo and indie are my main favorites! lately ive been getting into some breakcore and other weird stuff like that, but yeah, i listen to too much midwest emo and indie folk for my own good 6. What's your favourite thing about the 2000s?the great cartoons come to mind, subcultures that lasted longer than a week before going stale were nice, web culture on forums and such was so much fun. i feel like culture is so fast and so hungry these days that anything with a soul gets eaten up by the mainstream before it can even begin. i miss when things could stay niche a little longer... i also feel like the current decade is too based in perfectionism and seriousness, i miss the dramatics, the ugliness, the dirtiness, and the silliness of some earlier times. and i miss sincerity! irony is too pervasive nowadays. its almost more ironic to be sincere. oh god... now i have to go back to being ironic.7. What's your favourite singer(s) or band(s)? the smiths are my go-to answer, though people like to yell at me about how the lead singer who i will not name here is sh*tty. which he is, obviously, but the smiths broke up over 30 years ago, and i cant just deny johnny marrs accomplishments because morrissey is a d*ck... anyway, theyre my usual answer because ive loved them for so long and so much of who i am was shaped by them, but the brave little abacus is probably a more accurate answer. they mean the world to me.okey dokey, thats the quiz! hopefully ill be visiting the blogging section of this website fairly often from now on. heres the blank: 1. Is autumn your favourite season (if not then what is??!)? 2. Back to school/college etc. What's your favourite subject you do in school? 3. Do you enjoy school/college etc.? 4. What's your fashion style this autumn? (Colours, types of style etc. etc.) 5. What music is your favourite(s) 6. What's your favourite thing about the 2000s? 7. What's your favourite singer(s) or band(s)? see you later.cyr



09/18/2019 08:12 PM 

about meeeeehhhhhhh :3
Current mood:  bouncy

welp... x3 im gonna start to blog regularly cuz itz fun xPsooo about mehhhim aya!!! im 14 years old (my 15th bday is on september 29) !!! i would describe myself as a bit different than usual ppl ofc :3i really like anime and manga!! :0 my favourite manga issss fruits basket!! (yuki and isuzu r my favz) and my fav anime is EVANGELION !!!!! if u like eva PLZZZZ talk 2 meh abt it!! :Di like 2 draw and i have like 9987689389048958309874978670437523593790347270 OCs XD i hav this entire universe planned out in mah head! :0 maybe i shud post my stories an art here hmmMmmm :3da only serious note i have 2 say is that my only trigger is suicide !! :c so plz refrain from talking abt it around me T-Tand uhhhmmmm idk wat else to say :0 feel free 2 talk 2 meh anytime bc i wanna make friendz and im boreeed :Pbai baiiii ♥ x3



09/18/2019 12:41 PM 

Hai!!!! i'm sorry i been unactive :(
Current mood:  chill

i've been hangin out with my good friends and i've been takin sum breaks from social media cuz of school... soooooooo... :T


09/17/2019 05:11 PM 

i wanna ask my crush outtt >///
Current mood:  crazy

ok soooo i hav a crush and he's soooo cute and he's like !!! my buddy !! we get along so well and he'sso soft and aaaa jhdsjgjhhfesjkl I WUV HIM SOOO MUCH X3

crush,love,inlove,highschool life, xD


09/16/2019 09:31 PM 


my hair is damaged from bleach 


09/16/2019 09:31 PM 


my hair is damaged from bleach 


09/15/2019 07:55 PM 

Gross School and Stuff
Current mood:  tired

♥ ♥This is my first time writing something for others to see in awhile. Will anyone even see this? Honestly I don't know, it would be nice but I don't know. I really enjoy writing stories and I think it would be kinda cool if I wrote a story on here so I might. I don't know if anyone would actually read or enjoy them so I guess it would be more for myself but that's fine.Anyway, I'm really tired. I don't want to go to school tomorrow but that's everyone right? I missed 3/5 days last week so I have so much to make up, not to mention I don't have many friends. I will say I have one pretty good friend, their name is Riley. We became friends last year when I first moved here, but just my luck they're moving. It'll be good for them but it's still upsetting, like I want to move it's going to be better for them but I'm going to miss them so much. I do talk to others and thought I was good friends with these two girls but they kept making excuses not to hang out with me. To top it all off I can't even partner with them for this big trip we're going on because they just idk they just don't want me too. I don't want to complain about my life i could have it so much worse so I'm just going to stop here. If you actually read until here I love you. You're amazing and enjoy all the good in the world.♥ ♥


09/15/2019 12:17 PM 

invader zim

i rlly wanna rewatch invader zim but can’t find any free websites where i can watch :(( can someone link to me some websites?!


09/15/2019 10:06 PM 

monster energy
Current mood:  adventurous

i need some new monster energy drink flavors!!!!!!!!!!!!! i only drink pipeline XD


09/15/2019 12:53 PM 

Free to do!
Current mood:  cheerful

Sometimes at home, i feel free to do things when my parents are not at home, to have fun, rock out to music and f*** some sh*t up that relieves me of stress

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