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01/06/2020 04:58 PM 

Welcome to the Rawr'ing 20's
Current mood:  frustrated

Whaddup Emos, it is I, a veteran of the old school MySpace days. Recently joined Friend Project because it is the closest thing to the magic of that place and what it was. But, it's falling short, the coding is janky, all the old layout generators I used to rely on no longer work, and I'm severely disappointed. All I want, is for old MySpace to come back, the way it used to be. I f***ing hate Facebook, it's bland, and lifeless, and to be honest, I am sick of being on there and I want to move on. When I was a teen, we bounced from MySpace to Bebo and then to Facebook and it seemed like every few years, a new social media platform would arise and take the throne. Google Plus did try a few years ago, but it failed miserably.But it is f***ing time for change.So I propose a Concept: It is the Rawr'ing 20's, MySpace reverts back to its old layout, with a few new additions to make it fit in with modern times. We all leave Facebook and migrate back there, everyone learns how to code again and we all have bitchin profiles with a million glittery graphics and our favourite emo bangers on autoplay to piss off our friends when they visit our page. Everyone starts arguing with each other because they're not in your Top 8, every girl strives to be a Scene Kween once more, and artists are discovered by their MySpace pages instead of Facebook once again.Make it f***ing happenF*** CuckerbergMySpace, please.This is your Time.The Best Time. Be Smart. Bring people back to your platform.Facebook has had its f***ing day. It's time to move on.Enough. New Plaform, Fresh Start.Sorry for interrupting your day with the ramblings of an almost 27-year-old Emo garbage lady-child.


01/06/2020 02:24 AM 

The Academy Is...
Current mood:  excited

I saw a few days ago that supposedly The Academy Is... is maybe releasing new music or possibly an album or even possibly touring again? It’s still very exciting. I haven’t seen people freaking out over The Academy Is... in a long time so it’s awesome to see. 

Emo, The Academy Is..., 2006, 2007, 2000s,


01/05/2020 11:59 PM 

Can my day get any worse
Current mood:  angry

First I get told a lot of changes will happen at Walmart which means they will expect more from me and I'll be doing twice as much as I'm already doing now. I'm already stressed out enough with this place. Second my mom is being a bitch telling me "Well if you don't want her anymore she can come back home. Not to mentioned she's been replaced. "As in apparently ever since I got my puppy I've completely replaced my cat. WtfNow third I spend a good amount of money on hair care and find out when I get home they aren't in my bags. I could get them back tomorrow but most of it will probably be sold out already since it was clearanced. I did check before I left and didn't see a bag. This wouldn't have happened if they wouldn't close self check-out at night because "we're short on staff. " Yeah, more like the f***ing managers don't know how to schedule people. Doesn't even make sense. Pull a cashier into self checkout like wtf?? I just want to scream. I spent over $40... I did yell when I got home but somehow the boyfriend slept through that. This probably wouldn't have happened either if he picked me up after work especially considering he had stuff he needed to get. But nooo "I'm tired. " Whatever dude. I'm just so pissed off I want to break I don't get paid enough for this sh*t. 

Work, relationships, anger


01/05/2020 07:45 PM 

HTML lesson 3 - backgrounds, borders, contact tables

Welcome to our third little CSS and HTML lesson! I have a lot of fun writing them tbh :D First of all, thx to everyone who commented on my bulletin posts. It's really nice to get some feedback so I see that people are interested in this. It motivates me to do more! ^^ This time, I want to take care about two things propably everyone wants to customize on their profile: backgrounds and contact tables. Background Graphics Go into the profile editor. If you used a generator or a custom profile layout from a site like pimp-my-profile, somewhere in the CSS inside your <style> should be two class selectors called body, .bodyContent. In my own code, it looks like this: body, .bodyContent {  background-image: url(;  background-color: #400000;  background-position: center center;  background-attachment: fixed;  background-repeat: repeat;  border-color: #8f0000;  border-width: 6px;  border-style: dotted; } It may look like a lot at first, but you will see it's actually pretty self explaining. If you don't have this yet, just create it yourself like that: body, .bodyContent {   } You can leave it empty for now, we'll go through the important things together step by step. The first thing is propably the most interesting: The background image. It's defined by the background-image property inside an url(). Inside that, you can paste an image or gif url like I showed you in the last lesson with the <img> tag. And never forget to end the lines of your CSS with an ; semicolon, it wont work otherwise! What's the body, .bodyContent thing? So this is how you apply a background image to your whole page. If you followed the last lessons and understood how HTML and CSS work together, you may be confused by the body, .bodyContent classes, because you're pretty sure you never gave one of these classes to any of your HTML tags. So where do they come from? The explanation is that friendproject doesn't really allow us to customize the whole page. There is some basic template coming from the website itself. With the code we write into the editor, we can customize that with a huge amount of possibilities, but there are limits and invisible things we can't see in the our own code, for example the menu bar at the top and bottom of the page. After we've cleared that, we can go on with the CSS! The next thing you can see in my code is the background-color With a hex color code (told you about that in the first lesson ) assigned to it. Now you don't really need this one because you already have a picture as the background, but there's one thing where it can come in handy. When you load my profile and look quickly, you'll see that the background picture needs some time to load, and during this time, the dark red is visible instead. If you want to use a custom color here too, do it, but you can leave it out if you don't think it's necessary. Advanced stuff The background-position, background-attachment and background-repeat options are also pretty handy, but maybe a bit too advanced for the basics. If you're interested into those, you can find good explanations and examples about everything involving backgrounds on w3schools. Page Border The next one is something I really like to play around with myself, it has some options that would probably never be used on modern websites, but can look really cute on a profile in my opinion. With the border properties you can give your profile page a border like the red dotted one I have. There are multiple types of borders you can give to the border-style: dotted - Defines a dotted border dashed - Defines a dashed border solid - Defines a solid border double - Defines a double border groove - Defines a 3D grooved border ridge - Defines a 3D ridged border inset - Defines a 3D inset border outset - Defines a 3D outset border Play around with them and choose the one you like the most! With the border-color and a hex color code you can define the color of the border, you already know the process. The border-width is also self explaining, it's defined in pixels. I think around 5px is a good width, but again, try it out yourself to find the style you like! But wait, there's more! Customize the content table sections You can't only customize the background and border of the whole site, but also of the sections where the actual content is displayed. Somewhere inside your CSS, find or create something like table table table (3 "tables"!). For me it looks like this: table table table {  border-style: double;  border-width: 1px;  border-color: #8f0000;  background-image: url('');  background-attachment: scroll;  background-repeat: repeat; } You can do pretty much all the same stuff as in the body, just play around and find what style you like. Like I said, most of it is really self explaining. Contact tables Now let's go on to the next topic: Contact tables! They are the section on your profile where others can add, block, invite or favorise you. For this one, I'd again recommend to look at sites like glitter-graphics or pimp-my-profile to find custom ones. Look for the one you like the most! The code you can copy there for your profile should look like this: <style>  .contactTable {   width: 300px !important;   height: 150px !important;   padding: 0px !important;   background-image: url('');   background-attachment: scroll;   background-position: center center;   background-repeat: no-repeat;   background-color: transparent;  }  .contactTable table, table.contactTable td {   padding: 0px !important;   border: 0px;   background-color: transparent;   background-image: none;  }  .contactTable a img {   visibility: hidden;   border: 0px !important;  }  .contactTable a {   display: block;   height: 28px;   width: 115px;  }  .contactTable .text {   font-size: 1px !important;  }  .contactTable .text, .contactTable a, .contactTable img {   filter: none !important;  } </style> <br><a href=>Myspace Contact Tables</a> This one might look like a big deal, but don't worry about it, you shouldn't have to change anything of it. Just paste it somewhere inside your editor, no matter where, but OUTSIDE of the other <style> tags (or some strange sh*t will happen on your profile!). When I looked for a contact table, I noticed that some of the custom ones wouldn't work. I don't know if it's an issue of friendproject or if the creators of the contact table messed up, just so you know it's not necessarily your fault if it doesn't look the right way. If you find a one like that, I'm afraid all you can do is to use another one or try altering it's code if you trust yourself to do so. By using a custom contact table from one of these sites, you'll probably notice something similar to the graphics you can find there: They will smuggle a link to the site into your profile that will appear in the "About Me" section (or whereever you paste the contact table code). To get rid of them, you do the same thing we did with the graphics code: just delete everything after the <br> tag (including the <br> tag). I'm talking about this line: <br><a href=>Myspace Contact Tables</a> Just delete it and the link should be gone. Enough input for now. Next time I want to show you some more HTML tags since we did a lot of CSS today. You can also write into the comments if you know something specific you want me to make a tutorial about, I'm happy about recommendations! Now you have a lot of new stuff to try out I think. Have fun and remember you can always message or comment me about your issues with the code. If you missed the last parts, check out my bulletin or blog posts!


01/05/2020 05:50 AM 

5-6 months in the work, finally finished
Current mood:  accomplished

As the title states, almost six months in the works and I am finally done reading one of the best books I have ever started. It was a Legend of Zelda fanfiction. Yeah wooooo but cut me some slack okay. 154 chapters ans 1.3 million words. It was a long one but completely worth it. If you have the time, it's called The Silent Kingdom and it is on Credit to Freedan the Eternal for writing it, I just find it amazing and I want to share it for others to read. 



01/04/2020 08:22 PM 

HTML lesson 2 - images and links

If you missed the first part, please go read it first! I told you I still had a lot more for you, so here I am! ^^ Something I forgot to mention in my last post was W3schools. It's a free website where you can learn almost all basics about web development, but it's especially helpful for learning HTML and CSS. If you're looking for anything or don't understand something, you should search there. Last time we did a bit about text formatting, so this time I'll focus on how to get pictures/gifs and links into your profile. For pictures, we have the <img> tag. It's one of the special tags I told you about last time, so it only needs an opening tag, but no closing tag. Inside it, you need a src property. That's where the picture will be defined. <img src=""> Now you need a picture. If you have it on your computer, you need to upload it somewhere to use it. You can upload pictures in your friendproject album, but if you don't want to have them there, you can also use Imgur. If you want to use a picture from the internet, you won't have to do this, because it already is uploaded somewhere. Now right click on the uploaded picture and select "Copy Image Location" (in Firefox, it's maybe a bit different in other browsers). Now you should have copied a link that ends with .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif or another graphic format. If you use a picture from another website and that's not the case, you should try to download it and upload it yourself like described above. This link will go into the src property now: <img src=""> And that's all you need to display a picture! The <img> tag has other options too, for example changing the size of the picture or displaying an alternative text in case the picture doesn't work for some reason (it's recommended to do that, but I'm too lazy most of the time tbh xD). Read W3schools <img> tag to learn about them. There are a lot of websites where you can get cool gifs, blingees, pictures, banners etc for your profile. I have a lot of them on my own profile too. Here's a list of websites you can use: (you can even create them yourself here!) Pls comment what I missed, I'll add them to the list! Most of these sites already give you the code with the <img> tag so you just have to copy and paste it into your profile wherever you want it to be. Some of them, like glitter-graphics, may also have a link to the site after every image, and that's quite annoying if you use more than one. You can get rid of them tho! Here's some code for a gif from glitter-graphics: <a href="">  <img src="" width=200 height=200 border=0> </a> <br><a href="" target=_blank><a> You won't understand all of this right now, and that's totally fine, don't worry about it! We'll take care of it soon. Now on your profile it will look like this: What you do to remove the link after the gif is to simply delete everything after the <br> tag. <a href="">  <img src="" width=200 height=200 border=0> </a> The link should be gone now. If someone clicks on the gif, they will still get directed to If you don't want to have this behavior, you need to delete the whole <a> tag around the <img> tag. <img src="" width=200 height=200 border=0> Now you've already seen how a link looks in HTML. Links are made by using the <a> tag. You can also use it for a few different things, but let's focus on links first. The <a> tag has an href="" property, where you paste the link inside. <a href=""></a> Inside the <a> tag itself, you can write an alternative display text, which is often better than displaying the whole link. <a href="">  ZombieChinyoka on friendproject </a> Again, you can read more about the <a> tag on W3schools. I think that's enough for now again. I hope you find it somehow helpful! ^^ I'll also post these tutorials on my blog, so don't worry when the bulletins get deleted. I'll do more soon, I want to show you how to customize your contact table, how to make songs play on your profile, customize background and borders and doing more with CSS in general. Have fun building your profile page!


01/03/2020 10:48 PM 

Bedtime n updates
Current mood:  determined

I'm hoping to share my art on here soon. It'll mostly be MLP and Webkinz stuff so ....  keep an eye out xD

sleep, art


01/03/2020 02:45 PM 

Simple ways 2 pimp ur profile + little HTML lesson

Of course not everyone who wants to use friendproject knows HTML or CSS, but you don't really need much knowledge to make your profile look awesome! I thought I could give everyone a little starter lesson and a list of useful websites etc. And no, you don't have to be a programmer to do this. HTML is really easy if you learn the basics, and it's mostly only about styling. It has nothing to do with being a programmer or a smart hacker kid or anything (as a programmer this kinda pisses me off, not sure if you can tell). Ok, rant mode off, let's start :) Actually, you don't even need to write a single line of code yourself to get a cool layout on your profile. There are a lot of websites where you can find custom layouts or even generate them yourself with nearly unlimited options. I'd suggest using, it's the best one I can think of, but of course you can use other ones too. Click on "Myspace" in the menu and choose either "Pre-made Layouts" or "Layout Editor", depending on what you want to do. All you need to do then is to copy the code, go to "Edit Profile" on friendproject and paste it in the "About Me" section (every other section should work fine too btw, but this one is recommended). That's just what I did first with my profile too, I started editing my code and adding new stuff on top of that later. So I would actually recommend for everyone to start with a custom or generated layout, it will probably save you a lot of time even if your experienced in webdesign. Here's another example of what you can do by simply using a generator: (Shoutout to him btw, this guy is a legend uwu) If you want to do a little more, style things different, add stuff that's not possible with a generator, you'll probably need to dig into the code yourself. I know it looks confusing at first, but you'll understand at least a bit of it soon I hope :) Let's start from the bottom of everything. HTML is written in different tags. Some tags are for text styling, some can be a link to another website, some can be images, audio files and a lot of other stuff. Most tags look like this: <example></example> Some special ones also look like this: <example> For example, there is this tag: <p></p> The <p> tag defines a paragraph. It's used for putting text inside it and styling it, and at the end of the text, a new paragraph will start. These three lines of my profile are done by simply using 3 <p> tags. The code would look like this: <p>Just a weird, introverted, depressed emo kid uwu </p> <p>Birthday: 12. December </p> <p>Relationship status: taken by the most wonderful, beautiful girl ♥ </p> In the first section of the tag, you can give it properties. Properties can do different stuff, but here they are mostly used for styling, aka CSS. Let's say you want the first paragraph to be pink. Now some quick introduction into hex colors. They are the most common way to tell your CSS to use a specific color. Just google "hex color picker" and use the picker to choose the color you want. For the pink we want here, the hex code of the color would be #ee00ff (you can also paste it into the picker to check it out). To style our text, we give the <p> tag a "style" property. It looks like this: <p style="">Just a weird, introverted, depressed emo kid uwu </p> In the style="" we can now use CSS to specify the text color. Text color in CSS is specified with "color" and the hex code we picked assigned to it. Let's do this. <p style="color: #ee00ff;">Just a weird, introverted, depressed emo kid uwu </p> And it should look like this: Maybe we could give it another font now? The best way to use a font you like is looking up Google Fonts. You can choose an huge amount of fonts there. Pick the one you like! For this exmple, I want to use "Amatic SC", because why not. Click on "select this font", open the popup and copy the whole <link> tag under the "STANDARD". Go into your profile editor again an paste it anywhere (I'd suggest at the end or the beginning of everything else). Now you copy the other piece of code under the "Specify in CSS". This one goes into the style property of your <p> tag, right behind the color. <p style="color: #ee00ff; font-family: 'Amatic SC', cursive;">  Just a weird, introverted, depressed emo kid uwu </p> Now we should have this: Of course it looks horrible, but we're here to practice, right? As you may have noticed, the style property is already getting pretty long. If we would want to center the text, make it italic, give it another size etc, it would maybe be a bit too much. Let me introduce the <style> tag. Inside it, you can just use plain CSS and assign it to your HTML tags by using classes. Sounds confusing? Let me show you how it works. First, get rid of the whole style property inside your <p> tag (maybe save it into another file so you won't have to write it all over again) and give it a "class" property instead. Think of a good name for the class, something that isn't confusing. I'll just use the name "pinktext" here. Now your code should look like this: <p class="pinktext">Just a weird, introverted, depressed emo kid uwu </p> Now we add a <style> tag above the <p> tag and define the "pinktext" class inside it. I'll only show you how the next step should look like on this one. For a better explanation on CSS classes you should read this: W3 Schools HTML classes It can be pretty confusing sometimes, even to me. <style>  .pinktext {  } </style> Now you can simply paste the CSS you had in the style="" property before into the .pinktext class! <style>  .pinktext {   color: #ee00ff;   font-family: 'Amatic SC', cursive;  } </style> If you did everything right, it should still look the same, but your code is much cleaner and better readable now :) I think that's it for now, I hope anyone even read until here and that it actually helps people who are new to all of this. I definitely have a lot more for you, so pls let me know if I should do more! If you have any issues with your code, you can always message me, I'll do my best to help.


01/02/2020 11:57 PM 

Holiday nearly over
Current mood:  awake

I have to go back to work next week.Not looking forward to it, but what can you do?I have been on holiday for the last two weeks, I have not gone anywhere, just holed myself up at home and avoided interacting with as many people as possible. Just the way I like it!I have watched a lot of movies online, today I watched Patchwork.I’ve seen it before but decided to watch it again.It is a really awesome character driven film, the dynamic between the three main characters who end up sharing the one Frankenstein monster-esque body and their getting to know one another and deal with their predicament was really fun and interesting to watch, also the actor who played Fred Weasley as the friend, Garrett, who was trying to help them, turned in a pretty awesome performance. I liked Ellie, Jennifer and Garrett and the ending left me wanting to know what the next adventure will be for these characters.I've got to say, I am truly at my happiness when I am at home watching movies online and am not interacting with other human beings. If only I could get paid to do this, how the hell do you become a film critic anyway?


01/02/2020 08:28 PM 

Current mood:  annoyed

It's real dad hating hours   



01/02/2020 06:30 PM 

Current mood:  crazy



01/02/2020 01:03 PM 

good morning
Current mood:  okay

Made it to the second day of the new year wooo xDCute stamp of Wright and Edgeworth for good luck 



01/02/2020 12:12 PM 

i dont know how to use this

i thought it wuz kewl tho :p


01/01/2020 11:28 PM 

Current mood:  intimidated

Since I'm new n allll I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to do  I'm also not good at starting conversations so plz message me first ;_;



01/01/2020 09:08 PM 

new years resolution
Current mood:  amused

my new years resolution is to be more emo, listen to more bands, and go to more concerts!!! and lose weight lol 

new years resolution

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