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05/16/2024 10:02 PM 

hello ???
Current mood:  cheerful

HELLO! back from my hiatus I guess. It would be cool if I actually blogged and maybe I'll start trying to make friends on here and be chronically online in another way? I just told people about this in my english class as we got together for a project (that I am currently avodiing OOPS!) anyways hellururrrrri shall write on hereit could be my new journalwelllllll maybe noti have many thoughts and maybe not all of them can be shared on here LOL i really need to go back to therapy ahhahaha.OKAY SOI am in college which is honestly crazy. i basically got a full ride and i am really happy that i decided to go. IT was not really on my to do list before, but then i was like HEY! there is actually something that i would like to do that requires a degree - which is become an elementary school librarian. First job i ever wanted to do!! I was really close with my librarian. she was awesome. I miss her.some more updatess: last time I was blogging, i wrote about my best friend and boyfriend. both of those people are no longer in my life. it really sucked going thru that first breakup and friendship breakup but i grew from it. then i plummetted and met another guy and that was also soooper toxic but we started from the bottom now i am here. still growing always!life is kinda poopy always, but you gotta find the good in it. kinda like when marley eats jennifer aniston's new gold chain in marley & me and they search through his mango-fied poop for it. looking for that gold errrrry day, amirite or amirite???LOOLOLOOOOive been kinda lonely lately which sucks but its alright, i do be managing. spring quarter has beeen INSANELY busy but cool!! I have been mentoring with these second graders and they are so sweet and fun and I love spending time with them.ALSO i got a new baby sister>?>>>> >>??????? we are 19 NINETEEN years NINETEEN yrs apart isnt that crazy? She is very sweet and cute and small and tiny and doesn't know anything but I cant wait to see her grow. anyways i think that is it for now bc i gotta write for my english class YIKESsea ya later Taylor


summer (bill cherrys wife)

05/16/2024 06:52 PM 

how to spot a tcc account

if ur tcc,,,, pls dont get mad !! there r tons of ppl on this site that have tcc in their dni. this isnt intended to be a callout !!1. their profile pic is:- a random school yearbook picture of some *seemingly* random kidexample::(yeah thats adam lanza)- a semi-low quality picture of a *seemingly* random person,, usually not a selfie. its almost always teenage white boys. theyre often school shooters (that sounded racist)examples::  - drawings of characters from zero dayexamples::they almost always have a black camo shirt ,, a black shirt that says "ARMY" ,, and self harm scars2. theyre display name is:- (RANDOM NAME YOUVE NEVER HEARD OF) IS THE BEST!!!!!!! (or smthn similar)- smthn close to the one above but with slurs and stuff- anything with mentions of slurs, self harm, etc- "cal", "andre", or "cal/andre"3. their profile:- is blank- is almost blank besides "open dms", secret share link, link to other social media, etc.- says "its me again", "back for the 20th time lol", "stop banning me", etc.- has a stamp, blinkie, etc that says "natural selection"4. their interests include:- true crime (not everyone who likes true crime is tcc!! im interested in true crime and im NOT tcc)- gore- the movies zero day,, elephant ,, carambine high massacre,, or other stuff abt crime, school shootings, etc.- lots of horror content, esp gorey stuff (not all horror enjoyers are tcc !! js smthn to look out for)thats all i can think of rn ,, block/or report any tcc u see,, and dont accept friend reqs from them !!!! 


05/16/2024 06:48 PM 

さようなら [jap chorus]

Goodbye [I'm Sorry] by Jamestown Story, Japanese chorusさあ、ごめんねあきらめるすべては甲斐ない僕は芳しくないそして生憎待てすぎて僕の詫び流すおねがい泣く価値さえない  

Marius Josef

05/16/2024 04:08 PM 

omg ur alive??
Current mood:  animated

So uhhh im alive. me want starbucks

DeciSpark 🍉

05/15/2024 08:18 PM 

My Mythical Creature Card

I got Basilisk.What's your mythical creature card?Take the quest here.

mythical creature card, quiz, quizzes, personality quiz


05/15/2024 07:40 PM 

Please help out if you can.

i know the internet isn't the best place to share links but ... [[The time had already come.]] i apologize for making a really emotional post, which is something i don't usually do. it's been rough seeing my dog with a uncureable cancer, seeing him get worse and worse. he was my second dog brother i really got along with after my dog Turbo had to be put to rest a few weeks earlier. Achilles is my best friend, including Turbo, always and forever.if you can't donate, just please share this message to your friends. it'll help out to spread to people who can.thank you so much for reading. i'll give updates in this blog when it does happen.- Stanley H.(7/4/24 update)We helped him over the rainbow bridge on 6/18/2024. I just wanted to say thank you so much for everyone helping with sharing the link everywhere you could. I deeply appreciate it. Today is our first birthday without Achilles. He was born on July 4th 2018, suck we can't be with him on his birthday. But I think we did the best thing we could do for him. Still, thank you so much everyone! I'll also be adding a link here to his tribute video I made for him if you want to see it! Achilles tribute (7/4/2018 - 6/18/2024)  Again, thank you everyone. I hope you have a wonderful day. :)-Stanley 

Dominic Anthony

05/14/2024 04:38 PM 

Trump AI Parody Youtube AI Joe BIden on Jarabi youtube

Voting age should be 25 and the limit should be 75 that means Biden and Trump cannot run Trump going on 78 next month will cause Revoltionary War III within the states this time not british but Russians in washington state oregon and california. Stock up from the gunshops. Trump or Biden will go senile on us. You can';t use warplanes against citizens a civil war 2 II would have pistols vs pistoles shotguuuuns vs shoootguuuns rifles vs rifles no war birds planes no artillery fire no tanks. It's got to be fair Biden you can't just annihilate make america great again peoples cause of your hatred they shouldnt go to hell, trump wants to marry someone in jail who will protect him from the prison gangs. Poetry.

BloxHead, The Bloxxer!

05/14/2008 07:10 PM 


A Rap Group Im Making For Any New Friends.Just Look Up The Name, and Join It. (if You Want To.)


Bo_the_ Clown

05/13/2024 11:51 PM 

Current mood:  busy

anyways. studying for finals in my house. wish i could take a little sleeb :p


05/13/2024 11:22 PM 

homestuck stuff
Current mood:  confused

okay so does anyone here like homestuckalso, what do yall think about the handmaids designlike. i like the medigo line's designs but i HATE the handmaid design dude the green does not go well (im pretty sure it's partially to reference what happened with doc scratch though ??? im not too educated on specific ancestors lore, ESPECIALLY the handmaid lol)if the image doesnt work, my bad, just look the handmaid design up then

homestuck, hs, the handmaid, damara, damara medigo, dancestors, dancestor, homosuck


05/13/2024 12:46 PM 

list of tone indicators i have
Current mood:  silly

[[ I HOPE THIS HELPS ANYONE IN THE WORLD OF THE INTERNET!! ]]/j = joking /hj = half joking /ij = inside joke /c = copypasta /ly or /lyric(s) = lyrics /t = teasing /b = bantering /lh = light hearted /s or /sarc = sarcasm /rt or /rh = rhetorical question /srs = serious /nsrs = not serious  /g or /gen = genuine /n or /neu = neutral /f =fake /cb = clickbait /p = platonic /r = romantic /neg or /nc = negative connotation  /pos or /pc = positive connotation  /? = confused /! = suprised / = excitement /?! = excited / = surprised question /aff = affectionate /m = meme /pf = playful /rp = roleplay /q = quote /e = embarrassed /nm = not mad /nf = not forcing /nav = not a vent /genq = Genuine question body { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-image: url(; background-position: top left; background-repeat: repeat; background-attachment: fixed; } .contactTable{width:300px !important;height:150px !important;padding:0px !important;background-image:url('');background-attachment:scroll;background-position:center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-color:transparent;} .contactTable table, table.contactTable td{padding:0px !important;border:0px;background-color:transparent;background-image:none;} .contactTable a img {visibility:hidden; border:0px !important;} .contactTable .text {font-size:1px !important;} .contactTable .text, .contactTable a, .contactTable img {filter:none !important;} .contactTable .whitetext12 {display:none;} table, tr, td { background-color: transparent; border: 0px; } table table { border: 0px; } table table table table{ border:0px; } table table table { border-width: 3px; border-color: rgb(163, 11, 158); border-style: double; background-color: transparent; } table table table td { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); filter:alpha(opacity=100); -moz-opacity:1; opacity:1; -khtml-opacity:1; } table table table table td { filter:none; } body, div, span, td, p, .orangetext15, .whitetext12, .lightbluetext8, strong, b, u, .redtext, .redbtext, .btext, .text, .nametext, .blacktext10, .blacktext12 { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none; } .nametext { padding: 5px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 16px; color: rgb(244, 124, 176); font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none; display: block; } .whitetext12, .orangetext15 { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(244, 124, 176); font-weight: normal; font-style: italic; text-decoration: none; } a.navbar:link, a.navbar:active, a.navbar:visited, a.navbar:hover,,,,, a, a:link, a:active, a:visited, a:hover, a.navbar:link, a.navbar:active, a.navbar:visited, a.navbar:hover, a.text:link, a.text:active, a.text:visited, a.text:hover, a.searchlinksmall:link, a.searchlinksmall:active, a.searchlinksmall:visited, a.searchlinksmall:hover, a.redlink:link, a.redlink:active, a.redlink:visited, a.redlink:hover { color: rgb(255, 100, 160); font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none; } a.navbar:hover,, a:hover { color: rgb(204, 106, 161); font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; text-decoration: underline; } .badge { position: absolute; left: 1px; top: 1px; } Myspace Layout Generator by 

tone, tone indicators, internet, gen z

Bo_the_ Clown

05/12/2024 08:47 PM 

im silly im silly im silly im silly
Current mood:  silly

just dyed my hair green :3 hope it turns out good.


05/11/2024 07:50 PM 

Talking About Depressive Thoughts
Current mood:  miserable

Why do people invalidate others’ mental health and feelings? I was in a depressive mood, and I posted a status about how I was feeling depressed because of family abuse and the teenagers that abused me walking home from work, and I felt that there was no point in living if things weren’t going to get better I got a response from someone, word for word; “Oh come on, my life’s worse than yours and I don’t plan suicide.” After they said that, I felt like that my problems meant nothing and it was something to shrug off, and I should just suck it up. What drives people to say these sort of invalidating or rude things to another person?    

lovely luke

05/11/2024 12:27 PM 

• ꒰ αbout me꒱ ˎˊ˗ •
Current mood:  pretty

  name:  lucas nickname:  luke how old are you:  26 yo zodiac sign:  aquarius current location:  Brazil eye color:  brown hair color:  brown  hair type:  curly gender:  trans male your heritage:  we're black and indigenous how many CD's do you own: 5 CDs and 3 vinyl discs how many DVD's do you own:  oh, a lot of it how many tattoo's do you have:  none, but i wish i had how many piercings do yo have:  none too :( FAVORITES shoes:  i like all star drink:  pepsi cola place:  the water song:  just like heaven by the cure movie:  the return of the living dead color:  i luv pink, black, purple, red

about me


05/10/2024 09:49 PM 

Only took (about) 2 years
Current mood:  content

... for me to make another blog post. Lets see what happened. Maybe I should just keep it to where we're at, the novel isn't as interesting as it seems now that I think about it.Not that I gave up with my move to Yuma, but after 2 interviews with Dillard's Yuma Palms for positions I'm still not there. Just because of the lack of full time for both times. One time last September I actually went with my Dad and stayed at Cocopah for an amazing trip overall, but definetly traveled and spent (and gambled) a lot of money that I saved up just to hear that when the hiring manager walked back in the room on my final visit to the store. While I'm hopefully now going to make more money in my new position (and can resonably guess it will be more money than Dillard's Yuma), it genuinely seems more practical to get an investment property in Yuma when I have the money (and a goal of mine nonetheless), but also going to do a trip out to Scottsdale after the big summer sale to see my company's location there, I genuinley have no idea what to expect.Oh yeah, my new position. Well I'm selling Shoes now on comission. I just came back from a trip back up to Newport Beach where I went to my first store and thought I passed my first ever manager while walking but wasn't sure and didn't want to say anything if I guessed incorrectly, but yes, I made more than my draw that I was supposed to on my first day. Returns will hurt me, but that was a Tuesday and Saturday is tomorrow.Now I know though, I'm worth something, after getting the part-time offers at Dilard's, and now getting this job, I'm more optimistic on that front than ever. Remember, whatever life throws at you, you will always have options, even if you don't know what they could be at the moment, you will always have them 

plan, trip, life

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