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666kitty ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡

06/21/2020 05:58 PM 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*eating ice cream *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Current mood:  flirty

hi im kitty i rlly want new friends!!!!!!! i wanna get to know some people :(:(also im eating ice cream rn it is rlly yummy ☆ ~('▽^人) hmu!! pls message♥


06/21/2020 06:01 PM 

Current mood:  accomplished

this website is so hard to finger out but I'm happy I finally did lol xoxo


06/21/2020 06:01 PM 

Current mood:  energetic

eating tortilla chips and drinking monster enegrys ùwù

bi , lgbt , layout , music , texting , message


06/21/2020 06:01 PM 

Thats hot
Current mood:  hot

I just got this sh*t its giving me such 2000s vibes and i love it bitch if you havent got it already i kinda use bitch sh*t duck cunt and other words is every sentence if you dont like it leave hoe you dont have to be here this is a way to express my self do you love it 

bitch , Paris Hilton , 2000s


06/21/2020 05:58 PM 

whats happenin
Current mood:  confused

how does 1 work this site????????? anyway hi ♥ 

new to this, hi!!,


06/21/2020 05:57 PM 

Current mood:  annoyed

hi every1!! im slowly figuring out how to use this website but its so complicated wtf. anyways lol im gonna use this blog bit as a diary ranting area mostly about how i h8 men!! bye lol ♥

diary, rant, new, men,

˚✧₊⁎Sa’tara ⁎⁺˳✧༚

06/21/2020 02:57 PM 

Current mood:  dorky

if you're into astrology pleaseee request me i can talk ab astrology for ages, aslo im down to learn more ab it and teach the basics for anybody interested!!!

astrology, sun, moon, rising, pisces


06/21/2020 11:58 PM 


tired asl in the crib playin on my switch, life is alright rn. Ive started my law of attraction sh*t again so lets see if it works this time


06/21/2020 05:53 PM 

omg hi!!!
Current mood:  accomplished

ummmm dis is my first blog/post or wtv buut hmu literally im so friend deprived sjdkjhsjfg



06/21/2020 05:51 PM 

1/10 STARS
Current mood:  angry



06/21/2020 05:54 PM 

bored asf

the way that i wish i was tony hawk omg. i want skate friends so bad but i need to be better than i am rn cause I'm too scared to talk 2 anyone at parks unless they talk to me first #pain. the fact that I'm gonna literally use this like my finsta hey babes whats up ♥


06/21/2020 05:52 PM 

survey thing

i got told to do it by sum1 on here[--General Information - -]* Starting Time:: 2:37* Name:: Henry Crowell* Nicknames:: Huck (thats my middle name but dont call me that* Colour of Eyes:: blue* Hair Colour:: dirty blonde* Shoe Size:: 13* Brothers/ Sisters:: little brother 12* If yes, Names:: willie* Single or Taken?:: single* Zodiac sign:: aries* colour:: blue* Height:: 5'10* Braces?:: no* Current residence:: san francisco[--Do You Prefer--]* Chocolate or vanilla?:: choclate* Hugs or kisses?:: kizzies* Scary movies or comedies:: comidies[--Things That Come To Mind--]* School:: friends* House:: small* Best friends:: adam daniel levi * Fave Song?:: up on the sun by the meat puppets. i could name a million songs tho[--In The Past 24 Hours, Have You?--]* Watched a movie?:: no* Talked on the phone:: yes* Cried:: no* Gone to the bathroom?:: yes* Watched TV:: yes i watched baseball* looked in the mirror:: yes* taken a shower:: yes* Listened to music?:: yes* Hugged / kissed some1?:: no[--Do You Believe In--]* Heaven?:: maybe* Hell?:: yes* Aliens?:: 100%* Love:: ofc* Magic:: idk[--Some Random Stuff--]* Are you listening to music now?:: yes* What colour pants r u wearing?(if any :P):: black sweats* What's the best thing since sliced bread?:: music* Who Is your crush?:: ppl[--Favourites--]* Flower:: lavander if that counts[--More Random Questions--]: * Mother's name?:: lorraine* Tattoos?: i wish* Body piercing?: no* How much do you love your job-scale of 1 to 10?:: i do not have one atm* Birthplace:: cmpc in SF* Favourite vacation spot?:: boston* Ever been to Africa?:: no* Stolen any traffic signs?:: no* Ever been in a car accident?:: yes* Croutons or Bacon bits?:: bacon* 2 Door or 4 Door car?:: 4 door 4 all my friends* Salad Dressing?: no* Favourite Pie?:: no* Favourite Number?: 3* Favourite Movie?: ferris buellers day off* Favourite Colour?: blue* Favourite Holiday?: christmas* Favourite day of the week?: saturday * Favourite brand of body soap? Dove: uh* Favourite show?: the flash ig?* Toothpaste?: crest* Most recently read book?: lost ballparks* Favorite Smell?: weed* What do you do to relax?: listen to music* Favourite Fast Food?: in n out* When was your last hospital VISIT?: when i broke my finger* Message to your friends reading this:: hi!!!!!!!* How do you see yourself in 10 years?: playing proffesional baseball* What do you do when you are bored?: listen to music* What presents do you enjoy receiving?: cool vinyls,games* Furthest place you will send this message?: idk[-- Have You Ever - -]* Faked being sick to miss school:: when i was younger* Put a body part on fire for amusement:: burned my finger a couple times* Thrown someone in the bonfire:: no* Been hurt emotionally:: yes* Cried during a movie:: a lil* Ever thought an animated character was hot:: maybe* Been on stage:: yes* Been sarcastic?:: yes[--Favourites--]* summer/winter:: summer* cartoon characters:: the skelton from crashbox* drink:: water* food:: spagehtii* movie:: ferris buelers day off* ice cream:: grasshopper pie* subject:: history or english or health* animal:: dog* Color:: blue* Day or night?:: night* Number:: 3* Letter:: R* TV or Computer?:: computer* Happy or Sad:: rn?happy[-- In The Last 24 Hours --]* cried:: no* met someone new:: on this* cleaned your room:: no* Drove a car:: no* Been pissed off:: i dont think so[--Friends and Life--]* Do you have a soul mate?:: in havent found them yet idk* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend:: no* Who have u known the longest of your friends:: levi cuz ive known him since summer 2010*When do u cry the most:: i dont* The worst feeling in the world?:: uhhhwhen u lose ur bowl[--For everyone to fill inn --]* Silver or gold:: gold* Sunset or sunrise:: sunset* Have you ever broken/sprained anything:: ive broken my arm twice, my foot, my fingers* Have any piercings?:: no* If yes, what?:: i dont have any* Rain, sun or snow?:: rain* How is the weather?:: overcast*Do u like cookies?:: yes* Do you like pudding?:: i dont have it a lotTake this survey -> 


06/21/2020 10:37 PM 

finally got the hang of this (i think)
Current mood:  accomplished

this site has potential. the pre-social media era where everyone had their own blog allowed for a little more creativity, and i think we all long for it again, whether we experienced it the first time round or not. instagram, tiktok, snapchat; you're trying to make yourself satisfactory for a following. maybe it turns out blogging will be the same !side note: i want to add a song to my profile, if anyone knows how to!!! please tell me!!


06/21/2020 05:42 PM 

totally random blog x
Current mood:  energetic

seeing everyone's pretty ass profiles makes me happy asf xx i hope html doesn't scare any new ppl away (´∀`;)


06/21/2020 05:42 PM 

mean friend :(

my best friend just told me i was cringey for going on this website. it really hurt my feelings because shes supposed to be there person to never judge me :(

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