
Last Login:
June 2nd, 2024

Gender: Male
Status: Single
Age: 44
Sign: Capricorn
Country: Australia

Signup Date:
February 10, 2017


02/21/2018 01:47 PM 

My boss is a piece of sh*t
Current mood:  angry

I would like to tell my boss "f**k you, you piece of sh*t, go f**k yourself with the sharp end of a broken bottle!"

Ungrateful bastard! I work my ass of today for a 10 hour shift, trying to follow his contradictory rules, dealing with customers during our busiest season, so it gets hard to finish every task perfectly considering that customers will constantly interrupt me every 5 minutes.
So due to the distraction, I make one little mistake, nothing in the big picture, I forget about it move on with mu day and go home.
At home my phone rings and I see it's my boss, I ignore it, because I know nothing good comes from an after hour phone call from him. But he immediately rings back, 4 times. So I think it must be something important and I answer it.
Turns out, he rang for the sole purpose of screaming at me for the earlier mistake, spends about fifteen minutes on the phone yelling and asking me questions of how it happened only to interrupt me and yell more when I try to answer. Keep in mind, last night I worked late for him, unpaid overtime. I do this often. But there is no gratitude, just more expectations.
Ungrateful, low life piece of crap. It's no wonder nobody likes the jackass. he is the worst boss I have ever had and I actually like when we lose business, as it takes money out of his pocket.

02/10/2018 07:14 PM 

My best friend on this entire site seems to have left
Current mood:  sad

Geez, im really sad now, it looks like M has gone. 

I cant find her profile and our Group for Myspace Nostalgia is gone.

M, if your reading this I hope you are ok.

Good luck with everything.

02/01/2018 01:36 PM 

Simple Poem
Current mood:  awake

I don't care what your color is,
I don't care who you screw.
I don't care if your Christian, Muslim, Hindu or a Jew.
The only thing I care about, and all that I expect,
Is that you treat your fellow human beings with respect.

12/16/2017 05:34 PM 

Self Loathing

The person in the mirror is a stranger to your eyes.
Flittering from scene to scene, your clothes are your disguise.
Every time you take a swing, it's always been a miss.
Don't know what you were meant to be, but know it wasn't this.
No one knows quite who you are, and you don't know at all.
The dreams you chased have passed you by, your life is at a stall.
Strip away your music, job, and strip away your clothing.
And all that you have left is more confusion and self loathing.

10/06/2017 06:41 PM 

Running out of films to watch
Current mood:  examimate

Its strange to think that I've come to this stage, I'm actually running out of films to watch on YouTube. I have watched so many films on there over the past few years I have probably forgotten most of them.

When I look for new movies to watch I am finding less and less that i have not already seen.
I have started re-watching stuff I have already seen before.
This may sound like nothing to most people but it depresses me. Watching movies on YouTube is pretty much my favorite thing to do these days, the idea of running out of films leaves a huge void in my life.

09/16/2017 07:40 PM 

Sea of Tears

Cast adrift on a sea of tears,
Was too afraid to face my fears.
Eaten from within by grief,
Our time together much to brief.
Now I sally forth by night,
Barred forever from the light.
The violent serpent strikes my boat,
My enemies are poised to gloat.
Now run aground on rocky shelf,
I find the strength within myself,
To face my fate with stoic calm,
Not afraid to come to harm.
I'll slay the beast from which I'd fled,
I'll slay the beast or end up dead.

08/21/2017 12:03 PM 

Spent most of the day watching movies on Youtube
Current mood:  complacent

Today I did my favorite thing ever, stayed home and watched movies on youtube. I know, I am not very interesting, but I don't give a f***, the way i see it, as long as I enjoy myself nothing else matters.

Mostly I just watch low budget horror movies or old black and white film noir. I have watched so many movies on there in the last few years I have forgotten most of them.
I recommend The Screaming Skull, Sleepaway Camp, Slumber Party Massacre 2, Tormented, Fallen Angel, The Prowler, Night of the Demons, and prom Night 1,2 & 3.
These are just some of the films I remember watching on youtube that were decent or didn't totally suck. Enjoy.

08/17/2017 05:54 PM 

To make people aware or not?

Man, so I really like this website, a total nostalgia portal to the good old Myspace days.

But thats the whole dilemma, do we promote the existence of this site, get more people signed up, or do we keep it quiet?

The problem with too many people signing up, is exactly what ruined Myspace.

Too many people joined, it became mainstream, they changed the design so that it sucked, and the site died a slow horrible death.

I don't want that to happen here, lets keep the community small, keep it out of the mainstream.

When cool things start to become mainstream, that's when they start to suck.

04/15/2017 06:39 PM 

What to do when you hate your job?
Current mood:  anxious

Boss is a d*ck, demands longer and longer hours which he doesn't pay you for.

Control freak, micromanaging f***tard who screams at you and makes you miserable.

I know I should quit, but what if I wind up in something worse?

That's the fear that holds me back.

03/13/2017 03:02 PM 

Spider Queen
Current mood:  awake

In her web the spider queen, 
Lurking silent and unseen, 
Stalks her trapped and squirming prey, 
Who tries in vain to get away. 
She truly is a fearsome sight, 
This hungry dweller of the night, 
Her gaping maw inspires screams, 
Many say she haunts their dreams. 
She plans and plots, her web she spins, 
Her wicked games she always wins, 
This creature, you cannot defeat, 
Your only course, a quick retreat. 

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