Myspace Layout Generator

Myspace Layout Generator by


Last Login:
May 1st, 2024

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Gender: Female
Status: Single
Age: 15
Sign: Libra
Country: United States

Signup Date:
March 28, 2024


03/29/2024 11:11 PM 

stolen surveyyyy!! (reposted from my bulletin)
Current mood:  chill

[--General Information - -]

* Starting Time:: i did this in reverse so, ending time: 4:58pm
* Name:: sadie
* Nicknames:: Cyber, Bunniii
* Colour of Eyes:: dark brown
* Hair Colour:: redish brown
* Shoe Size:: 6 to 6 1/2 in womens
* Brothers/ Sisters:: 1 brother
* If yes, Names: no
* Single or Taken?:: single
* Zodiac sign:: libra
* colour:: purple
* Height:: 4'10"
* Braces?:: not yet
* Current residence:: florida

[--Do You Prefer--]

* Chocolate or vanilla?:: vanillaaaaa
* Hugs or kisses?:: hugsss
* Scary movies or comedies:: comedyyyy

[--Things That Come To Mind--]

* School:: annoying 
* House:: ???
* Best friends:: Kit :)
* Fave Song:: i have way too many

[--In The Past 24 Hours, Have You?--]

* Watched a movie?:: no
* Talked on the phone:: texting
* Cried:: yes
* Gone to the bathroom?:: yes
* Watched TV:: sorta
* looked in the mirror:: yes
* taken a shower:: yes
* Listened to music?:: yes
* Hugged / kissed some1?:: nope

[--Do You Believe In--]

* Heaven?:: no
* Hell?:: no
* Aliens?:: yes
* Love:: yess
* Magic:: no

[--Some Random Stuff--]

* Are you listening to music now?:: on and off yes
* What colour pants r u wearing?(if any :P):: dark grey plaid sweatpants
* What's the best thing since sliced bread?:: women
* Who Is your crush?:: this girl at my school named Ash, shes so pretty @w@

[--More Random Questions--]:
* Mother's name?:: thats a bit personal dont you think?
* Tattoos?: none
* Body piercing?: nope
* How much do you love your job-scale of 1 to 10?:: im jobless :3
* Birthplace:: gainesville, FL
* Favourite vacation spot?:: beach
* Ever been to Africa?:: no
* Stolen any traffic signs?:: yes
* Ever been in a car accident?:: ehh, not that i think? its a long story
* Croutons or Bacon bits?:: croutons
* 2 Door or 4 Door car?:: 4
* Salad Dressing?: ranch
* Favourite Pie?:: apple pie, or chocolate pie
* Favourite Number?: 69 (im so funny guys)
* Favourite Movie?: no clue
* Favourite Colour?: purpleeee
* Favourite Holiday?: does my birthday count?
* Favourite day of the week?: saturday (based again)
* Favourite brand of body soap? erm idk
* Favourite show?: Scott Pilgrim Takes Off (SPTO)
* Toothpaste?: weird f***ing question but ok
* Most recently read book?: cant remember 
* Favorite Smell?: vanilla (person who wrote this originally is based af) but also pumpkin spice like smells ^_^
* What do you do to relax?: listen to music, watch yt, scroll on pinterest
* Favourite Fast Food?: burger king
* When was your last hospital VISIT?: uh, i dont know or remember
* Message to your friends reading this:: haiiii!!! :3
* How do you see yourself in 10 years?: dead
* What do you do when you are bored?: sleep, draw, listen to music, talk to ppl, scroll on pinterest
* What presents do you enjoy receiving?: clothes, money, candies/foods, little trinkets, makeup, accessories, room decor, anything really?
* Furthest place you will send this message?: not sure?

[-- Have You Ever - -]

* Faked being sick to miss school:: multiple times 
* Put a body part on fire for amusement:: uhhh
* Thrown someone in the bonfire:: no (but i have one person i wish i could do that to)
* Been hurt emotionally:: yep
* Cried during a movie:: sorta?
* Ever thought an animated character was hot:: ofc how the f*** not
* Been on stage:: nope
* Been sarcastic?:: yes


* summer/winter:: winter
* cartoon characters:: scott from SPTO, and roxie from SPTO
* drink:: orange fanta
* food:: sushi
* movie:: dunno
* ice cream:: cookies and cream
* subject:: is art a subject?
* animal:: cats, obvs :3
* Color:: purple!!
* Day or night?:: night
* Number:: 69 (hahah get it? you get it? haha im so funny and original ahhaah :3)
* Letter:: i dont know???
* TV or Computer?:: computer forever
* Happy or Sad:: neither, in between rn

[-- In The Last 24 Hours --]

* cried::  yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes
* met someone new:: yes
* cleaned your room:: no
* Drove a car:: no
* Been pissed off:: absof***inglutely 

[--Friends and Life--]

* Do you have a soul mate?:: thought i did but, NAH
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend partner:: nope, not yet atleast  
* Who have u known the longest of your friends:: my friend kit, weve known eachother for 4 years, and she has a fp account too :D @TheKi_ttyy :3
*When do u cry the most:: uhm, uh, uhhhh, not sure what that means exactly?
* The worst feeling in the world?:: finding out somone you loved and trusted lied to you about everything and turned out to be the very thing you feared the most.

[--For everyone to fill inn --]

* Silver or gold:: hmmm, i like both equally tbh
* Sunset or sunrise:: sunset
* Have you ever broken/sprained anything:: ive sprained my ankle like a million times idfk how
* Have any piercings?:: no, but i wish to get some :3
* If yes, what?:: N/A
* Rain, sun or snow?::  rain
* How is the weather?:: day time, nice and clear skies, very hot ugh
*Do u like cookies?:: YESSS
* Do you like pudding?::  yesss


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